Ludum Dare Results

Posted by Toast on May 14, 2012, 2:38 a.m.

So how did I do out of the 1072 games in the compo? Let's have a look:

(For those who aren't familiar with Ludum Dare's ranking system, the "coolness" is simply how many games you ranked, it doesn't have anything to do with your own game. I got a gold medal for ranking 100 games.)

Kind of disappointed I didn't make it into any of the top 25 categories, I guess I came close in Humor.

I would have liked more ratings - only about 55 people rated my game, where I rated twice that number. It makes you wonder how reliable the scores are.

All of my scores are above average, at least, but you might not be surprised to know that I'm not satisfied. It's intriguing how a score of 3 puts you around the 250th mark when you'd expect 3 to be and average 500th… although perhaps not so surprising, as nobody rates 5 out of 5s but plenty of people rate 1 out of 5s. I truly understand the benefit of the category system now - you can see where I suffered.

I hate how I did "just ok". Next time I'll ditch the corny graphics and have some music. I'll have much more refined gameplay. Next time, my aim will be to make people notice, to love it or hate it - I'll either be in the top 50 or the bottom 50.

If you missed it, here's the game.


toaster is the new king of 64Digits!


mikemacdee 12 years, 9 months ago

hey the one time i did a Ludum Dare nobody played my entry. i don't think they even knew it was there.

i thought the graphics were great!

JuurianChi 12 years, 9 months ago

Perhaps I should enter the next Ludum Dare.

It seems like a good way to gain indie developer clout when not making commercial games.

Harrk 12 years, 9 months ago

I remember your game! Think I saw it from the front page when you made a post about it once - if you did that is. It made me laugh, you should have gotten a better rank for humour though.

Too bad I didn't find this in time before the voting period ended.