Yeah, I couldn't find the right tone to go with the bloops, as you say… it has alot to do with what I'm playing. Chords on bass turn to mud pretty easily.
I just accidentally deleted this off my gameboy, so I won't be coming back to it… I'll just do something else entirely, probably with a more traditional bassline. I actually did a cover of something that sounded pretty good, but covers are for wimps
Sounds like some 8-bit clashing with some old school daftpunk on the first listen.
I danced around a bit in my chair while listening to this.
It's great.I don't know what you're on about.It's actually really neat, it's just the "tone" of the bass sounds weird paired with the bloops. Some EQing and a few subtle effects could fix that.
But it's catchy as hell as is.Yeah, I couldn't find the right tone to go with the bloops, as you say… it has alot to do with what I'm playing. Chords on bass turn to mud pretty easily.
I just accidentally deleted this off my gameboy, so I won't be coming back to it… I'll just do something else entirely, probably with a more traditional bassline. I actually did a cover of something that sounded pretty good, but covers are for wimpsI'd like to see you go for a soul coughing vibe, with a lot of samples surrounding a main bass riff.