64jam Theme: Non-violence

Posted by Toast on Feb. 3, 2013, 5:02 a.m.

$%£& I need to make a game and have no motivation.

So let's have an old-school game jam you motherhuggers.

64 hours long. No prizes. Ludum Dare rules. I announce the theme as soon as the jam starts.

START Friday 15th February, 23:00 GMT/UTC

END Monday 18th February, 15:00 GMT/UTC


Just submit your game to 64digits and wait for a mod to accept it into the database!



1. 8.6/10 FireBug by Cesque

2. 7.7/10 Three's a Crowd by Unaligned

3. 7/10 priorities by Acid

3. 7/10 Phantasmal Dissonance by Kilin

3. 7/10 Riot by Toast

6. 6.3/10 Shinsetsu Ninja by Mega


JuurianChi 12 years ago

That's some funnyjunk.

Charlie Carlo 12 years ago

Yay, for some reason I didn't prepare for the most obvious theme.

I even had a game idea for 'polaroid brunch'.

Ah well.

SteveKB 12 years ago

I'll join in only because I found a nicer language to program in

lang: C++

lib: SFML, math

IDE: codeblocks

compiler: MinGW

GFX: PaintToolSAI, Paint.NET, Photoshoop

music: idk fruit loops

toende 12 years ago

I'm teaming up with SpectreNectar

Here's a livestream for anyone interested http://www.livestream.com/theschulz

panzercretin 12 years ago

sure why not



Juju 12 years ago

Great theme, nice one Toast.

re 64Brit: Totally up for it.

colseed 12 years ago

Looks like I'll be trying out Flixel/FlashDevelop for this one. Also GIMP and whatever sound/music tools I have lying around, assuming I get anywhere beyond basic gameplay.

This actually coincides with a game jam the local uni gamedev club is having, so yay lol

(i like this theme better than theirs though :p )

Charlie Carlo 12 years ago

Ludum Dare Jam rules, you don't need to follow the theme if you don't want, but you could have more fun coming up with an idea that way.

colseed 12 years ago

yeah I wasn't able to come up with anything for "space jam", but "nonviolence" at least got me to think up a game involving being a medic and healing people so they can enact more violence to help you

…actually this might turn out to be pretty indirectly violent, but I like it

Charlie Carlo 12 years ago

This summer,

One man,

Will set the record straight,

And make a name for himself,

Despite the fact that he already has a name.

That name is,

Dang Dangly, Everyman.

Coming to a theater near you.