64jam Theme: Non-violence

Posted by Toast on Feb. 3, 2013, 5:02 a.m.

$%£& I need to make a game and have no motivation.

So let's have an old-school game jam you motherhuggers.

64 hours long. No prizes. Ludum Dare rules. I announce the theme as soon as the jam starts.

START Friday 15th February, 23:00 GMT/UTC

END Monday 18th February, 15:00 GMT/UTC


Just submit your game to 64digits and wait for a mod to accept it into the database!



1. 8.6/10 FireBug by Cesque

2. 7.7/10 Three's a Crowd by Unaligned

3. 7/10 priorities by Acid

3. 7/10 Phantasmal Dissonance by Kilin

3. 7/10 Riot by Toast

6. 6.3/10 Shinsetsu Ninja by Mega


eagly 12 years ago

Damn it Toast! That's the weekend I'm going back home! >:(

Toast 12 years ago

Warning: do not look directly at the bump

Rolf_Soldaat 12 years ago

Would be nice if this topic got pinned.

Castypher 12 years ago

Oh, thanks for the reminder. I'll participate after all.


- GM8.1

- FL Studio

- Photoshop CS6

- GMFMOD is very likely

sirxemic 12 years ago

if I'm joining I will make a game using Visual C++ for the game, Photoshop CS6 (perhaps paint) for the graphics and Reason 6.5 for music and audio.

Theme suggestions:

- More is less, less is more.

- Physical/non-metaphorical puns

Charlie Carlo 12 years ago

Toast I trust you've come up with a theme?

I mean, obviously it won't be announced until start, so I don't know why I'm asking.

JuurianChi 12 years ago

Announced theme:

"Turn based Metroidvania - Source files must be included"

I made a FirestormXfunny

Toast 12 years ago

Ok one more things

Submit your game through the 64digits database when your done. Make sure to put in the description somewhere that it's for 64jam. Then I'll put all the game on the blog. Then everyone can rate and review all the games. Make sure you put how you rated the game in your comment and be sure to write a useful review for each game and not just "this is good 8/10 kthx". Then everyone will have a score out of 10 on their game page. Then we can rank the games to see how well you did and we can have a "winner".

The "winner" will probably get a badge. Probably.

Iasper 12 years ago

I was wondering if you could start the jam a bit earlier, Saturday 16:00 GMT for example. That way the jam will last exactly three days and Europeans that try to respect the usual sleeping schedule can join in at that exact time as well.

Castypher 12 years ago

Then everyone will have a score out of 10 on their game page.
As long as we have a mod overseeing the votes. We still seem to have people who like to rate 1/10 for no reason.

Also, my suggested themes:

- Hunger

- Ghosts

- Trance/Dream

- Music

- and my personal favorite, 300 ways to kill [furry]