64jam Theme: Non-violence

Posted by Toast on Feb. 3, 2013, 5:02 a.m.

$%£& I need to make a game and have no motivation.

So let's have an old-school game jam you motherhuggers.

64 hours long. No prizes. Ludum Dare rules. I announce the theme as soon as the jam starts.

START Friday 15th February, 23:00 GMT/UTC

END Monday 18th February, 15:00 GMT/UTC


Just submit your game to 64digits and wait for a mod to accept it into the database!



1. 8.6/10 FireBug by Cesque

2. 7.7/10 Three's a Crowd by Unaligned

3. 7/10 priorities by Acid

3. 7/10 Phantasmal Dissonance by Kilin

3. 7/10 Riot by Toast

6. 6.3/10 Shinsetsu Ninja by Mega


JuurianChi 12 years ago

:Loli platformer:

:Include manifestations of every gross fetish known to man:

:get banned:

:doesn't natter still won:

Rob would be proud.

Quietus 12 years ago

we do not speak of him Chi.

THEME: whoever makes the best version of Hungry Hungry Hippos wins.

Rez 12 years ago



is there a theme yet? I'm hoping no theme so I can go nuts

Castypher 12 years ago

is there a theme yet? I'm hoping no theme so I can go nuts
+1 to no theme.

EDIT: The new theme is to make a Rez game.

Quietus 12 years ago

+2 for make a Rez game

Rez 12 years ago

I look forward to the half-cocked animations

Castypher 12 years ago

My mind is already frothing with ideas for what to do for a Rez game.

Make it so, Toast.

JuurianChi 12 years ago

Frozen upperbody the video game.

Featuring 12 levels of wacked out somethingness.

Bonus points for promising non existent DLC.

Toast 12 years ago

So apparently regardless of what theme I say, not everyone is going to be happy.

…expect an extremely general theme, like, even more general than the theme you may be expecting.

In other news apparently I have to do other stuff this weekend, hopefully I'll still find time to make something or other.

eagly 12 years ago

The theme is "game within a game".

I have come, I have proclaimed, and now I must leave and get my coach home because Toast is stupid and doesn't know my life schedule off by heart. :(