My busy attempts + 39dll Supporter

Posted by Toon-Master on Sept. 4, 2006, 5:29 a.m.

My new engine, PK_Engine

I have being working on this Engine called PK_Engine.

Every attempt I make it fails because my coding gets ugly time after time. I make a biggest flaw even after a plan. I redid this like 4 times.

But now last week I got PK_Engine working. Everything seems to be running fine and I still need further testing. So I think it's a good idea to show my progress of my PK_Engine to you lot.

If you read my scripts, I am interested in what you think of my coding style. Everyone has a different coding style but I want to see some reactions to what you think of mine :P.


Using 39dll at n00b stages

Going back in time…

I moved to 39dll since December I think. I had no idea what to do with the DLL, so I made crazy attempts and asked what was blocking mode etc to Fox-NL. I am glad that I learnt somethings about it because it's got useful functions for writing files etc.

I tried SOC 2 but I had issues with connecting with the DLL, it froze my game. I moved to 39dll anyway because it looked interesting.

SOC 3 came out, it was a pointless release to me. It had errors with tokens. 3.1 was ok now, I liked the use that I can use it. But I hated how you use it compare to 39dll (constants, actually not knowing how much bytes you received).

I practiced more with 39dll, and learn how Non Freeze downloaders work. I wrote 2 tutorials to do with 39dll. I was very indepth about it. I think over did the indepthness (don't think such a word or misspelt).

You can tell that I enjoy using 39dll for my possible projects/example, this is sort of a tiny journal of how I interact with this DLL (such as how I started using it etc).



Anyway here are some of my 39dll related work.

39dll tutorial - Download link

Download (Non-Freeze) - Download link

PK_Engine BETA 1 - Download link

Suspose to be a manual for 39dll but lost commitment (Very old, I think V2 though)- Download Link

PK_Command (Redid for PK_Enigine V2) - Download Link

File Sending Experiment (Need 39dll V2, redoing for PK_Engine's auto message) - Download Link


Final Words:

Note PK_Engine is about to be version 2. Enjoy my 39dll work.

I hope there are more 39dll users.

- Toon-Master

PS. I got that heart badge, but I only know two people added me as favourite user. Care to tell me who so I can reconise you ;)

EDIT2: I made this blog a little neater for presatation ;).


UPDATE progress:

PK_Engine V2 coming soon…

Currently I added a Ban system as an option. That means 2 new events. Bans IP and MAC addresses.

Also another way to handle different types of messages.

Also I will change the special message system (such as exit game) so your not sending in a lot of bytes. Say roughly 4 bytes instead of more then 10 or something.

PK_Engine 1.2a is out now with the Ban system which needs testing. Includes the special messages, refixed.


marbs 18 years, 5 months ago

Sad how the Crocodile hunter died and just relised… RIP
yeah, I heard about that this morning. thats sad =(

anyway, I've neer used 39dll and didn't really use SOC3 tha much at all, I'm more into GMphysics =D

however, I would like to learn to use 39dll so some of your stuff might help.

Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

well at least he died doing what he loved…

Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

and not only did his luck run out, he got bad luck too, stingray deaths are highly uncommon…

Toon-Master 18 years, 5 months ago

I guess your right because I never heard one of those incidents for awhile.

Anyway enjoy what I got so far for the share. I'll edit of what I've done with PK_Engine because I have being doing some things with it.

- Toon-Master

poultry 18 years, 5 months ago

I thought he died yesterday, but I just realized he died today!

R.I.P. Steve

Toon-Master 18 years, 5 months ago

Yeah R.I.P. Steve because it's removed of my blog. There's a blog somewhere that had this, ;).

I added my oldies that I was doing experiments on. Made the blog a little neater too. Those experiments are going to be in my PK_Engine V2 if I can.

- Toon-Master