Learning new things

Posted by Toon-Master on Sept. 14, 2006, 10:36 a.m.

I decided to learn further more with programming. I am trying to learn C/C++ (I could switch either way), getting use to those pointers and trying some of the functions. At least I can compile and stuff.

I made a DLL for Game Maker too called YMTdll (Yong Ming Tan DLL). All it does is compress/decompress files with zlib and encrypt strings with RC4 algorithm. If I learn something interesting I'll add it. Perhaps I'll make a socket DLL but it's not worth it, 39dll rules.

Download: YMTdll

It wasn't that bad to learn. I learn somethings because of the source code of 39dll, the buffer contruction was easier then I thought.

I am using Dev C/C++ right now but I don't like how it indents my coding. I double space it. And making decisions on how to write variables like:

int something,something1;


int something;

int something1;

Or if I should remain with how I code GML.

These things are interest decisions. I like to do programming experiment for my own learning purposes.

At least I am learning some things :) shows that anyone can learn.

- Toon-Master


I guess I had some experience though with trying to make GBA games.

Plus since I went to college I borrowed some C and C++ books.


marbs 18 years, 5 months ago

I tried learning C++ for a bit. I made a simple "hello world" thing, and a DLL that adds together 2 numbers. Thats all.

AthamX 18 years, 5 months ago

C++ is pretty basic compared to GML. I can't seem to go past basic 3d with GML for some reason

melee-master 18 years, 5 months ago

Actually, GML would be the basic one, not C++.

Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

melee, we all know that flying hippo knows nothing… so don't stress yourself XD

Bex 18 years, 5 months ago

When did you learn that?

Toon-Master 18 years, 5 months ago

I learn little by little to be honest.

2003 - (Fell in love with someone, inspired to do Programming), started GBA development. I learnt C in order to do that, but I was a bit of a n00b and moved on to DragonBASIC ffor GBA development (BASIC language, it became free when the creator Jeff something left). Then gave up and moved to Game Maker (didn't bother joining GMC, feel too noobish to ask lol).

Then like last 2 weeks, redid learning a bit of C++ and more of C. I think I'll stick with C though, I hate the object stuff at the moment. I plan to go back to GBA after I practice some Allegro library and Winsock2 + DLLs for GM.

Requires practice though. GML help me improve my coding style :).

And GML is the basic language… and MrPacman, good one didn't know he knew nothing :P.

- Toon-Master

Bex 18 years, 4 months ago

me too…