Days to the "one more week"

Posted by Toon-Master on Oct. 9, 2006, 12:58 a.m.


In Western Australia we got school holidays. So far it's being a week so I got another week ago hense why the title has, "One more week".

I haven't blog in a while ago but now I'll go back a week before I had school holidays to today.

Ok currently I'm in college doing the most EASY IT course ever. It's about How to use Microsoft Office, Connecting Periferals (excuse spelling) devices, some Occupational Health and Safety and Basic HTML. Yeah I know I have to do those before I can go ahead sigh*.

In my class I got some adults (older then me, I'm 18) and some 16 year old smokers. Those adults I mentioned were not so bright with computers and were novices. My lecturer, Claude Mele forced me to help them. One of them was a yak. She kept pretending she knew that and so, I think I was going to say, "Don't bull$@#!".

The lecturer for Basic HTML knows limited stuff compare to me I reckon. He commented on my style attribute (I was showing off :P), he said you didn't need ; when it was something like "font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold". Ed Anderson the lecturer said using this ";" was for JavaScript. I almost fell of my sit lol. Also he said XHTML doesn't use ' '? is that true? I Don't think it was, I put the validation thing in.

Claude is a weird lecturer by the way. He has some sort of catch phrase called, "I'm going to kill you!". Strange line to say when it sounds a little serious.

Anyway Holidays :D. I decided to mess with some particles because I have no skills at them (sad I know). But I finally understand how it works. So I think I'll finally start some Game Project. So far I'm covering the engine bases. Sometimes I want to restart it because my coding can get messy.

Speaking of coding my variable naming is sort of odd.




On Friday I finally got my Learners for Driving. (I could of got it 2 years ago).

So I got one week left. I don't mind college compare to school but I think I should do whatever this following week. I have to drive soon, possibly today or tommorow I don't know.

Thanks for reading and take care.


Other Stuff

To all the ten or so more people that added me to the Favourite User thing thanks.

I only found 7 people who added me. I'll be investigating lol.


NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 4 months ago

I added you. :)

Toon-Master 18 years, 4 months ago

Cool thanks,

I made a little error on my blog :P Fixed it now.

Adventus 18 years, 4 months ago

My lecturer, Claude Mele forced me to help them
Haha, i used to get in trouble at school for not helping people in maths, stupid lazy arse public school teachers.XD.

Toon-Master 18 years, 4 months ago

Indeed, and we only got 5 novices in our class too. Our class only has 11 people most of the time.

- Toon-Master