Posted by Top_hunter7 on Oct. 25, 2007, 9:22 a.m.

This is a matter of grave importance!!

On MSN Messenger, if you get prompted to receive a file called image11, do not accept it!! I mean it, it is a virus, and the 'sender' is not aware that they are sending it, it does it automatically, as I was prompted with a message allegedly from Jackaroo, which I believe said : "Hey man, accept my pic, I edited it to look wicked cool!" So I thought, what's harm can it do, I trust Jackaroo. When transfer was finished, I looked inside the file, the there was an imag11.exe, so I figured, "Oh, he has probably made a slide show in Game Maker or something, so I double clicked it and my computer froze, the conversation between me and Jackaroo kept flickering, and disappearing, and I wasn't in control of my mouse, so I had to do Ctrl+Alt+Del and somehow, I was back in control, even though the task manager wasn't brought up. So, after that, I yelled at Jackaroo, but he didn't know about it, though he said his cousin had the same thing happen to them, so I deleted the and I thought the crisis was over. About 30 minutes later, I was talking to Ice Mage (GMC) and my MSN froze,and logged me out, I thought nothing of it, it does that sometimes, so when I logged back in, I got a message from Ice Mage saying, "I hate you! You sent me a virus" So then I explained that it happened to me also, so I am trying to get rid of this file from my computer all together, but I cannot find it. But the main reason I did this blog is to warn you!!

Thanks 64D



Top_hunter7 17 years, 4 months ago

So what if I have very good grammar? It's just the way I type.

Castypher 17 years, 4 months ago

@Top: XD

You don't seem to understand. we respect that here. Heh heh…

Rob 17 years, 4 months ago


Ugh, I had this happened a while ago with something marbs/andes sent me saying "look at this picture" and it was a .zip with .src …. seriously, who is stupid enough to open it? Apparently they were…

Top_hunter7 17 years, 3 months ago

Oh right, I do apologize. As for me opening it, I thought it was a slide show or something, and there's no need to go nuts!