NDAIM and Platform Tutorials

Posted by Top_hunter7 on Oct. 29, 2007, 7:46 a.m.

Hey 64D,

Since it is now Halloween, I know have time to update NDAIM, to make it more user friendly, for example, it now doesn't show an error if you are unable to connect to a server, which was sending people nuts! Also, their is a private chat room for other people working on NDAIM, which obviously includes me. So, I need more ideas, as this is what I have :

Use of GMSQL to connect to a private 'Master Server' that handles all of the other servers, and shows available servers on start-up. Some better GIU, showing a link to a flash animation, since I cannot embed Flash… yet. Anyway, servers fixed.. again, since some tutor (who shall remain nameless) went in and tried to shut all conversations which were happening in her class, and switched it off completely, apart from the private server, since it runs off a server that one of the programming staff or myself must start. Well, onto the other part of the title.

Some of you may know that I am now doing tutorials via youtube, showing how to do simple, but effective platform movement. If you wish to look at my page to see them, here is a link to the page itself : http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=nintendopower123

I am currently on video number 7. They are apparently popular among new starts, and experienced users, such as Jackaroo and TechnoSuperguy. So if you have any ideas of which I could add to the tutorials, feel free to mention them.

Bye 64D,



PY 17 years, 3 months ago

Nice, that tutor would be annoying if it were me!

Josea 17 years, 3 months ago

You're connecting to a SQL server directly from GM? Are you crazy?

Get PHP running on a server and do everything through PHP. That will ge tyour rid of GMSQL and I believe it's safer.

Treebasher 17 years, 3 months ago

Both have some security issues, but you can encode your PHP requests, or at least the GET and POST data in them. GMSQL is not very secure though.

Kairos 17 years, 3 months ago

Do not use GMSQL period.

Top_hunter7 17 years, 3 months ago

Well, it's secure enough, no-one has tried to hack in yet, and it's on a private server anyway, so there is no point.

Rob 17 years, 3 months ago



nintendrone =o

Cpsgames 16 years, 11 months ago

Pretty cool video.. I suggest that you go slower for those who donn't know how to do it