MegaScape Graphics

Posted by Treebasher on Dec. 30, 2006, 5:50 p.m.

MegaScape Graphics

MegaScape is in need of graphics for the players. I need the basic player graphics, with pajamas on them or somthing like that. The players need to be x16*y32. Yeah, that is how small they are going to be, at least for the left, right, up, and down, but it would be awsome if whoever does the player sprites could do north-west, north-east, south-west, and south-east and if you do do the corner directions, then the sprite size can change a little, but make sure they don't look like a completely different sized person when you switch from lets say "down" to "south-west". I also need them "mining" or "swinging there hands OR down in every direction. I also need them with there hands out like they where fishing or somthing. When you make them they don't need to be holding anything, I can make them hold stuff. Please put pajamas on them or somthing when you make them. Please pm them to me, don't post, we don't want them getting stollen by somone who thinks they look cool. I will give credit to whoever did the ones that I like the best and that I use. Thanks everyone.

MegaScape In General

Ok, so honestly I havn't been working on it alot. I have been playing alot of runescape :-)). Ok, so I have decided to make it so that there are "moderator-only" huts that when you go down the stairs then you will find alot of tunnels. Each tunnel leads to a different moderator hut in a different part of the world. Using this, moderators will be able to jump from area to area, bypassing all of the dangers of the forests if the moderator is a low level. The first versions of the game will be top down, accept for the people, which will look like the old final fantasy characters looked like in there game sprites, you know, little rpg characters that when they, say, walk up, then you see the back of them, NOT JUST THE TOP OF THERE HEAD, like you would see in a top down game. The top down will be mainly for the buildings and stuff. I have already started making a map which so far has the #5 army base, 2 banks, a smelting furnace, anvils, mining spots, weapon store, clothing store, food store, 2 houses w/stoves, pet shop, general store (kind of like a wal-mart or somthing like that;I don't want to call it a general store, but that is what it is called right now), camp ground (replenish your ammo supply/buy cheapy food), water fountain, ocean, airport (for non-moderator quick transportation, costs money to use, probably will have to do a quest before you use it), trees. It has two towns so far, a normal town, and a mining town. Post anything that you think should be added, such as what weapons you think there should be, clothes and armor you would like, shops, food, areas, monsters, anything. Thanks.


Requiem 18 years, 1 month ago

Know what would be easier? A /warptoroom command.

And hey, I suggest you code the gameplay now, before you come up with all these wonderful plans and THEN realize you're not capable of coding such a thing.

Treebasher 18 years, 1 month ago

I am in the proccess of coding the gameplay. So I am already in the proccess of doing what you said :P. And I am capable of coding such thing, I already have alot of the multiplayer coading figured out.

LoserHands 18 years, 1 month ago

MegaScape? How original. Come up with a different name. But to be honest, your ideas are real good.

Castypher 18 years, 1 month ago

You have good ideas, but try to do most of it yourself. Sprites are different; many people can't do them. You don't need to redo all the sprites for an added weapon or armor, but you can use the handy draw function.

Good luck.

Treebasher 18 years, 1 month ago

Thanks everybody :-).

PS: Kilin, I like your avatar