Web Coding With Notepad2
Coding my website with Notepad2 instead of using Front page is going awsome. I put a CSS border around all of the content on all of my pages (Not around the title and stuff, just around that pages content), a horizontal CSS navigation bar, a music control for some Kingdom of Hearts background music for fun, and I even added some falling snowflakes on all of my pages using Javascript. It rocks. Notepad2 was recomended to me in my last post by DoorMatt. First he recomended a different Notepad clone that I didn't like and then he recomended Notepad2. Notepade2 is "Yet another Notepad clone" that has color coding abilities for just about every kind of file you can imagine. You can edit the colors for every type of file too. It has two different themes: Default (white background and regular colors) and Second Default Scheme which has a black background, bold letters, darker colors, dos-type font, and it highlights the line that you are typing in with a dim white type color. I don't know why I am saying all of this about Notepad2, but I am, and you can't help it, so ha. It can be found here for anyone who wants to know:
http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html . Yeah, it is awsome.
PS: Does anyone like my new avatar? It shouldn't have blurry lines or anything, it is just that it was a little too big (64x86 or somthing) so both the GMC and 64D downsized it so it fit.
EDIT: There is also somthing kind of like Notepad2 accept for I don't think that it has color coding:
Hmm have fun with that. You could just use dreamweaver and get web standard complaint code easily, not to mentions an easier way of doing it. It is also more efficient. I'll never understand why people do things the hard way.
Because, have you seen how much dreamweaver costs? Also it is sometimes fun to do things the hard way and not be lazy.
The windows on your avatar have to be isometric also…
Your link doesn't work.
This does though:http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.htmlOk, i will fix tat.
notepad 2??? wtf?
that looks more oblique than isometric to me lol… and maby the windows r at a stupid angle for real and when drawn oblique they just look norm :D…
also, awning thing… not isometric(actually upon looking again i noticed it is actually isometric)oh and, i always use notepad for web scripting / programming . markup… dw just ruins it lol…
Face it guys… If you can't code your site in notepad DW won't help you much… It puts in a lot of unnessecary crap in your code and when it starts screwing around you need to know A LOT of HTML to fix it…
Lol, I already kind of figured that out. That is why I am using a notepad clone for it.