MegaScape Suggestions

Posted by Treebasher on Jan. 12, 2007, 7:45 p.m.

MegaScape Suggestions 756

Come on guys. No one has suggested anything yet. I have gotten nothing from you guys. I mean suggest anything. I guess one guy did suggest somthing. He thinks it would be cool if it was in the 1800's and to tell you guy's the truth, I siriously think that would be cool, but I am still open to suggestions on the theme, monsters, gui, clothes, weapons, items, food, places, people, whatever. Come on guys. Why does no one have an idea? Also. I still need those player graphics with pajamas on them from anyone. Look a few posts down for the details or just look here>>>


MegaScape is in need of graphics for the players. I need the basic player graphics, with pajamas on them or somthing like that. The players need to be x16*y32. Yeah, that is how small they are going to be, at least for the left, right, up, and down, but it would be awsome if whoever does the player sprites could do north-west, north-east, south-west, and south-east and if you do do the corner directions, then the sprite size can change a little, but make sure they don't look like a completely different sized person when you switch from lets say "down" to "south-west". I also need them "mining" or "swinging there hands OR down in every direction. I also need them with there hands out like they where fishing or somthing. When you make them they don't need to be holding anything, I can make them hold stuff. Please put pajamas on them or somthing when you make them. Please pm them to me, don't post, we don't want them getting stollen by somone who thinks they look cool. I will give credit to whoever did the ones that I like the best and that I use. Thanks everyone.

I can make sprites, just not people. Also I have created a major online chat program for me and my friends. I do have online game creating experience. I have alot of regular game creating experience (this is all with gm of course, lol :P) as well. I said that for anyone who is going to try to make fun of me, well, just know that there is no need, you will be waisting your time with lies.

BTW, the graphics don't have to be great or even shaded, I was thinking little 2D, low detail, no fingers or toes type of sprite. I can make graphics, I am just not that good at doing people, but I can do other stuff.

Ok, that is alot, but I know that alot of you don't want to move your lazy fingers over to the up and down arrows and try to find that post, lol, just kidding.

SCP Chat Program

I have this idea for a chat program, kind of, oh what is that thing called, IRC? I don't know if I am thinking about the right one, but anyways it wouldn't be able to be browser based, it would be a program. The first channel would be a MegaScape channel, probably somthing like #megascape, duh, what else would you call it. Anyways, people ciould pm me and ask if they could host a chat channel on ther server (it would have to be THEIR server) and what channel they wanted there name to be and then I would make them a server program for the new channel. Depending on whether the server program for that channel is running or not, the client programs would have offline/online signs on a list that you could view if you wanted through the client that would tell whether they could connect to that server or not. Just an idea, but I thought it would be cool. Oh yah, SCP stands for Server|Chat|Program


tylerthemiler 18 years, 1 month ago

I'm sure you could find some programming help if you needed it, but you have to be able to develop your own game ideas.

Treebasher 18 years, 1 month ago

Hey, trust me, I have pages of game ideas, I am just wondering what you guys would like to see in it if I think that is a good idea.