Megascape Name Change and Major Update

Posted by Treebasher on Jan. 26, 2007, 5:48 p.m.

Megascape Name Change And Major Update 966

Hi everyone, I havn't posted in a while so be expecting alot. Well, here is the whole update one Battle Legends Online, previously known as MegaScape. Here you are, it is pretty long, so get comfortable.

Battle Legends Online MMORpg

Battle Legends Online is going to be the best MMORpg you have ever seen made in Gamemaker. I have already started working on it. I am using Gwindow for some of the "Windows" based GUI. It looks pretty cool. It is going to use the latest Soc Dll for its online communications with the server and players. It is going to have tons of skills and items. It is going to be medieval. Some of you guys might know it from 64Digits as MegaScape Online. Well, if you do, this has obviously gotten a major name change. It was also going to be modern-themed, with guns for weapons and stuff like that, but that has recently changed. Here is the current archery list:

~Archery List~


*Normal Bow

*Maple Bow

*Yew Bow

*Water Bow

*Ruby Bow

*Pine Bow (Most powerful, and cool looking)


*Bronze Arrows

*Iron Arrows

*Steel Arrows

*Gold Arrows

*Granite Arrows

*Metnite Arrows (Most strong metal, greenish looking)


*Leather Archer Armor

*Leather Spiked Archer Armor

*Green Snakeskin Archer Armor

*Green Snakeskin Spiked Archer Armor

*Blue Snakeskin Archer Armor

*Blue Snakeskin Spiked Archer Armor

*Camo Archer Armor

*Robin Hood Archer Armor (Most powerful/strong archer armor)


Archery Boost (See Below For Info On "Boosts")

Leveling Up

To level up for archery you will use this equation: (Monster HP) / (Highest Arrow Hit Point). Equations are for upping XP points, not levels. Boosters do not help you level up, I don't think that they will effect leveling up at all. If I do they would hurt it for the only dis-advantage of using boosters instead of help you get higher levels.

Ok, so that is the archery list so far. I said that I would give you a descryption of the boosts. Well, basically they are basic drops from monsters and such that you will get when they die. You can collect them and use them whenever you want. For archer boosts for example, lets say you have 50 archery boosts, you turn on archery boost, then, as long as you have archery boosts in your archery inventory, then every time you fire an arrow, the power of that arrow will be boosted to one level higher of an arrow, until you run out of archery boosts that is. I am going to make it so that you have an inventory, an archery inventory, and a mellee inventory, in the archery inventory for example you will see the currently weilded arrow type, how many archery boosts you have, the option to turn on/off you archery boost, etc… So then you don't have to take up inventory space for stuff like that. It will be the same with mellee. The chat will be a scrolling chat. Well, I guess I hade better show you guys the mellee list:

~Mellee List~


*Bronze Armor

*Iron Armor

*Steel Armor

*Gold Armor

*Granite Armor

*Metnite Armor

Speacial Armors

*Gractite Armor

*Snail Shell Armor


*Shields will be a little different. They will be a seperate drop/item. When you get a shield of the right armor type, then it will become part of that armor.


*Mellee Boost


*Short Sword

*Long Sword






Leveling Up

To level up for mellee you will use this equation: (Monster HP) / (Highest Weapon Hit Point). Equations are for upping XP points, not levels. Boosters do not help you level up, I don't think that they will effect leveling up at all. If I do they would hurt it for the only dis-advantage of using boosters instead of help you get higher levels.

So there you have it. The mellee list. Well, that is about it for now. But trust me, this post will be updated just about every day. Post your suggestions and comments. Ok, while I am at it, I will just add that I will not be putting any magic in it…I HATE MAGIC, WHY DO ALMOST ALL MMORpg's HAVE TO HAVE MAGIC? Oh well, at least this one won't :D .

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I have just finished making the all of the item sprites for archery. Next up, mellee, dun-dun-dun-duuun.

Wednesday, January 23

Ok, I added a reply to you guy's comments. Also, please check the "My Extras" part of my sig. Thanks. I will edit later today with the new ideas.

EDIT: Added Weapons!!! I have also added the stat equations. You guys tell me if you want me to post some of the item graphics of not. I will considider it if you do.


Visor 18 years ago

I like the sound of this, don't give up.

Treebasher 18 years ago

Trust me, I won't.

LoserHands 18 years ago

What Maderick said, add Mithril and Adamantium, trust me, Runescape doesn't use it only, Adamantium is officially by dinnotative meaning a Diamond type metal (wierd). eh, i prefer it to be blue in meh game, mithril is the same as steel yet lighter. the only good mmo weaponarmor criteria to be honest.