
Posted by Treebasher on June 9, 2007, 4:06 p.m.

I downloaded the newest version of Firefox earlier and relized I had forgoten how much I liked it. I like the dark theme I am using. Is the spell check thing new for the latest version or did I just never notice it until now. Not that I care, the spell check thing actually makes posting comments, blogs, and stuff like that easier for me. I also set my computers theme to look like the dark theme I am using in Firefox, it looks cool.

My site, Lukesterspy's Online Cave, has gotten a new color scheme (have I talked about this before in one of my blogs?), and a favicon. I want to work on my site more, but I don't know what to add to it. I don't have any downloads, so why make a downloads page if it is just going to sit there.

On Saphire Tears I have gotten a lot better, as you can see, I have gone from rank 0 to rank 10 in a matter of days. Nothing really new there other than that, I got to rank ten earlier today.

JakeX's Habbo Hotel is cool, although it doesn't make much since to me how he got a hold of the source of Habbo. Maybe he made it from scratch? I don't know, it isn't really important.

I am thinking of getting Macromedia Director, the program used to make Shockwave applications. Does anyone here have it? Is it easy to use? I looked at some screen shots of it and it reminded me of Microsoft Visual C++.

I need a new banner, of course I keep uninstalling Paint Shop Pro for some reason, lol. I guess I will install it again after this and try to make myself a new banner and avatar.

Well, I think that is just about all for now. I may add some more later… I don't know, we have guests over, so… yeah. Blog post over!

Hits On Post - 2488


NeutralReiddHotel 17 years, 8 months ago


s 17 years, 8 months ago


KaBob799 17 years, 8 months ago


WaleedAmer 17 years, 8 months ago


poultry 17 years, 8 months ago


foslock 17 years, 8 months ago


Treebasher 17 years, 8 months ago

Hello ChIkEn. Why what? Why do I need to change my banner and avatar? I don't, I just made new ones that rock <|'_'|>.


noshenim 17 years, 8 months ago


WaleedAmer 17 years, 8 months ago


chiggerfruit 17 years, 8 months ago

silly sy, Caturday is everyday!