
Posted by Treebasher on June 11, 2007, 4:12 p.m.

There are many Dlls out there that where made for GM and socket connectivity, but which one is the right one to use? Discuss this in the comments on this post. Here are some advantages and stuff about a few of these Socket Dlls.



  • Dll Creator: 39ster

  • Link To GMC Topic: http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=90437


  • I like the fact that it has buffers. When I first looked at a tutorial about it around 3/4 of a year ago, I thought the buffers made it extremely confusing and tough, but after I look at it again, I see buffers as a good thing. They make it easier to send multiple types of data, and even multiple types of a type of data easily in one message.

  • It is widely used for multiplayer games made with Gamemaker, therefor it is easier to get help with it.

  • Interesting way of use, the scripts that you call, the way you call them, and the way that you code when using this Dll in Gamemaker makes it seem like a more complicated language, which I like (I don't know about you thought).


  • Slightly more complicated to program using this Dll than others. I said that I kind of liked this in the pros for this Dll, but it can also be a hard thing.

  • Mistakes in coding can take a long time to figure out. You must clear the buffer so that you can use it again (as far as I know), and this is an easy thing to forget, and not always such an easy thing to figure out.

    ..::SOC (Simple Online Communication)::..


  • Dll Creator: THE Stefan

  • Link To GMC Topic: http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=110856&hl=SOC+Simple+Online+Communication

  • Is this Dll still in development? Could someone please explain the speed results they have had with this Dll, supposedly compared to different socket Dlls?


  • Easy to use.

  • A "direct" system, so that the client can send a message through the server to every other client without the server having to "manually" send it to all of the other clients.


  • Probably can get too easy, and some may get bored with the little bit of knowledge needed to use this Dll. Of course, the creator needed a lot of knowledge to provide us with this wonderful Dll that does functions to ease us in our coding.

  • SOC Direct uses a string, which apparently isn't as efficient as it could be with other methods.

    Discuss. I may add more to the list later. I would like to here more about these Dlls and what you think about them. Thank you for your time reading this.

    Hits On Post - 2617
  • Comments

    poultry 17 years, 8 months ago

    SOC does have buffers too, but SOC Direct (The way most noobs do) uses a STRING, and it isn't efficient… at all

    Treebasher 17 years, 8 months ago

    Ok, thanks ChIkEn, I will take not of that when I edit in a minute.

    sk8m8trix 17 years, 8 months ago

    I know neither. When I get my compy back Im going to tackle 39.dll, but untill than :'(

    poultry 17 years, 8 months ago

    I seocnd SY

    Shork 17 years, 8 months ago

    I don't really know how being too simple to use is a con. I mean look at antilock brakes, they control the braking on each tire so that you don't lose control when slamming your brakes on a wet road. All you have to do it hit the brake pedal, pretty simple way to do very complex procedures.

    stampede 17 years, 8 months ago

    I like 39dll more. Buffers are really nice, and you get used to that you should clear buffer before sending next message. And, like in every game (not just online thingies), you can find bugs easily when you make your code print sensible debug messages, if anything goes wrong.

    Treebasher 17 years, 8 months ago

    @Shork - Being simple to use isn't really a bad thing, it is in the cons section only because of the fact that some people may get bored with the extensive ease of using the Dll

    @stampede - Yes, buffers are really nice. And that is a good idea, to make sensible debug messages for basic and possible errors.

    Over all, I think that you guys have changed my mind about some of the stuff in the cons for the Dlls, I am going to change some of it.