
Posted by Treebasher on July 14, 2007, 2:04 a.m.

Hi everyone. The title for this blog post is kind of wack…hmm…I think I might start putting it as the title for all of my blog posts on 64Digits if the mods and admins don't care. I don't know, why decide now.

Has anyone else had the same problems I have been having trying to play Saphire Tears? When I try to log in (I have my username and password saved), the game locks up, then I wait a while, and it finally goes to the server list. At the server list, it says my score is zero. So, if I try to connect to a server, the game locks up for a while again, and when it finally goes into the lobby, the game "locks up" again and stops drawing the lobby like half way before it should be done drawing it, although, I can still here the noises and stuff of the battle that is going on. If I try to exit, the game again locks up and take a while to exit. Some other people on the Reflect Games forums are having this problem too I think. Does anyone know why, or how to fix it, or something? I have tried re-downloading, restarting, clearing my Saphire Tears folder and re-downloading, and some other stuff. I even messed around with my firewall for a while, but it looks like it should work from in there…

I am working on a game, that I am not going to talk about very much. My friend and me are going to beta test it when it gets some of the core features done. It will be awesome if I ever get in finished enough.

Firefox wasn't saving cookies (like for login information and stuff), so I am using Internet Explorer at the moment. I guess this is good enough, so, blog post over.

Hits On Post - 2929


FireflyX 17 years, 7 months ago

Firefox wasn't saving cookies (like for login information and stuff), so I am using Internet Explorer at the moment. I guess this is good enough, so, blog post over.
I don't know why everyones obsessed with firefox, i find IE better.

Treebasher 17 years, 7 months ago

IE is better I think, the only reason I like Firefox is it has a faster startup, it has a spell checker built in, and it has themes. But I have been using IE lately, so I will probably stay with it for a while.

RoyalSmacketh 17 years, 7 months ago

I have Firefox.

a_max_j 17 years, 7 months ago

I use either Firefox 2 or Internet Explorer 7. I switch randomly. Right now I'm on Firefox; earlier I was on IE. Weird, eh?

Treebasher 17 years, 7 months ago

I like both, I kind of like Firefox more, but it has been giving me trouble lately, so…

headless 17 years, 7 months ago

Firefox Pwns! Use NoScript