◦˚◦ Archery ◦˚◦

Posted by Treebasher on Jan. 12, 2008, 10:10 p.m.

◦˚◦ Introduction ◦˚◦


Hey everyone. So I have kind of taken a side track away from Battle Legends Online for a little while. I am working on an archery game. The engine actually works quite well right now.

I have some ideas for it. One of them is internet play, which players will be able to use the progress that they have gained in the single player version of the game to help them battle it out with other players in the game. I will talk more about this below.

◦˚◦ Internet Play ◦˚◦


Internet Play would be a type of game play in which players could host games, while others join them. The players could then place certain objects in their territory for their team base until it is time for the game to start. When the game starts, the players all battle each other's teams. When on player is defeated, they drop their current weapon and ammo, letting the other player pick it up if they want to, although, the defeated player would get his items back either when he spawns, or when the match is over.

There would be many different game types, such as…

-Duke It Out (DIU): an every player for himself battle

-Predator: one player is the ultimate target from everyone

-Capture The Ring (CTR): each team has to defend its own ring from the hands of the enemy

-Target Practice (TP): which player can hit the most targets in the given amount of time

I think that those game types would make the game interesting. With those in mind, maybe you could get experience points depending on how well you did in your match.

◦˚◦ Quest (Single Player) ◦˚◦


In this single player mode, the player would go through various levels, collecting things such as ammo, bows, money, experience points, etc. These would be saved to his account for later use in other parts of the game. This game mode would be the way to advance in the actual game.

◦˚◦ War (Single Player) ◦˚◦


In this single player mode, the player would get instant action against some artificial intelligence opponents in a seemingly multiplayer way. The player would be able to play in a lot of the normal internet play modes, only with the artificial intelligence, not with other players. Another big difference between this and internet play would probably be the fact that items that you pick up on this game mode would be kept, but the quantity probably wouldn't be as great.

◦˚◦ Items ◦˚◦


There would be various items that you could get in the game from, for example, defeating enemies, to help you in the game.

-Wooden Shield (1 defense): this shield would be dropped fairly easier than other defensive items; when picked up, your shield slot would turn to wooden shield and drop the other shield that you may have had on the ground

-Overshell Potion (max hp + 100): this will make your maximum health to be 100 hit points over the default until it goes back under the default

◦˚◦ Conclusion ◦˚◦


As you can see, I have a lot of ideas for this game. I think that it will be cool if I can get it completed, or near completed. What do you think about these ideas?


F1ak3r 17 years, 1 month ago

I think this quite ambitious for a side-project.

LoserHands 17 years, 1 month ago

An archery game online would lag with more than 5 people wouldn't it? The arrows have to send their angles with the usual stuff.

Alert Games 17 years, 1 month ago

yeah, i think skulldust might be right. also, i think that it would be really hard to make this game fun though.

Kaz 17 years, 1 month ago

Doubt it would be too hard to make it online for a few people, but Alert Games is right. How would you make the firing(angle and power) while moving the player around and have it be functional?

F1u 17 years, 1 month ago


Myth 17 years, 1 month ago

Ideas ? You just gave me a few.

Treebasher 17 years, 1 month ago

I have a pretty good engine done right now. You can shoot arrows and special arrows, which get stuck in the ground when they hit it. I haven't added power in yet, and it works fine. I think that the power might depend on the bow that you have.

As for lag during internet play, well, I think that as soon as the required variables are sent, it would be completely up to the clients to take care of the arrows. I guess that I will probably have to use other lag decreasing techniques.

F1u 17 years, 1 month ago

how about a keep away/halo oddball type game?

Treebasher 17 years, 1 month ago

Hmm, yeah, maybe.