Adrenaline Review

Posted by Treebasher on Feb. 29, 2008, 10:07 p.m.

Adrenaline, the new multiplayer top-down shooter by OL and Bryan, is a very fun game. It did cause other applications and processes on my computer to lag, but it is a very addictive game. There is some blood, but it can be turned off. The game can be downloaded at the Reflect Forums, if you want a direct link, it is . You do need a Reflect account to play the game.


  • WASD - Move your player

  • Left/Right Mouse Buttons - Shoot

  • Middle Mouse Button - Throw Grenade

  • Scroll - Change weapons

  • C Key - Drop mine

  • Enter Key - Toggle the message typer


    There are a few commands that you can type, and the bot named Hare will reply to you. Some are as follows, although I do not remember if they are all correct.

  • !stats - Hare will reply with your total kills and deaths

  • !ratio - Hare will reply with your kills to deaths ratio (how many kills you get per death)

  • !time - Hare will reply with how long you have been playing on that particular server

    Key Points

  • Mines - use these to your advantage, block of other players from your area

  • Grenades - if there is a big battle, throw a few of these and see what trouble they cause

  • Laser - very powerful weapon, but not a whole lot of ammo, use with care

  • Launcher - extremely powerful weapon, but very little ammo, use with care


    The way that I was playing, and getting around twenty points for most of the matches I played (which is close to owning right now), was this. Every time that I spawned, I dropped a mine in a semi-strategic location. Use the mines to help you block of a little area of your own, but you do want to be able to shoot out from it. If there is a battle going on somewhere (two or more players), then toss a few grenades in that direction and see what happens. The laser and the rocket are pretty powerful weapons, but they are also a little low on ammo, so if you get these, use them to your advantages, but with care. Try to always move, and if you see some grenades flying your way, don't be there when they land.
  • Comments

    Kenon 17 years ago


    It sucks. 1/10. Graphics suck. DToD was better.

    Cesar 17 years ago

    silly luke.

    you can turn off blood and stuff…

    And stop hacking… there's no way you could have survived my super lasor… twice… in a row… then shot by a dual missile and survive… haxxor… >=(

    mines are awesome… drop 'em on super lasor upgrade ;)

    F1ak3r 17 years ago

    THAT'S IT! I've had it!

    It's ADDICTIVE, NOT ADDICTING. And you can't say VERY FUN. It's incorrect. I'm not sure why though…

    Myth 17 years ago

    This blog is worthless whit out downloads ! :P

    PY 17 years ago

    Adrenaline rocks.

    Prerelease BETA testing was more fun, I knew everyone. We should have an only 64D server, password'd and everything.

    Jaxx 17 years ago

    Aye, I loved testing this, but the private matches got a bit boring, because Bryan owned constantly <_<.

    Anyway, it's awesome now to have more players online, it's really taken off ^_^.

    Bryan 17 years ago

    Hare can do alot more than !stats !ratio and !time =p.

    Adrenaline rocks.

    Prerelease BETA testing was more fun, I knew everyone. We should have an only 64D server, password'd and everything
    We could do that =) but first people need to know the game well, so we get alot of servers. You don't want one server, that is passworded hehe.

    Aye, I loved testing this, but the private matches got a bit boring, because Bryan owned constantly <_<.

    Anyway, it's awesome now to have more players online, it's really taken off ^_^.
    You always own me, don't you watch the video's?

    PY 17 years ago

    Woo, I can live with people i don't know for a while :)

    Bry, you still own.

    Treebasher 17 years ago

    XD I don't know why you guys think I was hacking though…I don't even know why I survived a super laser, I think that the hit points that get taken off are some what random, but I don't know.

    Grand-High Gamer 17 years ago

    ghg doth spoliorz. Apparently I was the first to comment on the cube.