Totally Awesome Wootness!

Posted by Treebasher on May 30, 2008, 4:22 p.m.

McDonalds is like steroids. You eat it, get big and fat, and die at age thirty.

So wootness! I am officially on summer vacation today. Lol, your mind kind of starts to shut down the last week of school. Hah, my friend made up that quote on the topic of my blog post. We read Romeo and Juliet in school this year, meh. Although the below quote (from me) isn't totally true, it might be worth a laugh (but I don't know, probably not actually, but yeah).

I realize why we have to read Shakespear…to learn how not to write. I also realize that Shakespear helped us to make the English language what it is today…that is, buy helping us realize how terrible parts of the older English language really were.

I have been working on Battle Legends Online a lot lately, and I have some screenshots for you guys. Currently, monsters are done (damage and drops may be adjusted though), dropped items are done, inventory is done, eating food is done, dropping items is done, wielding weapons is done, wearing shields is done, and probably some other stuff I am leaving out. Well, here are some screenshots: 1, 2, 3,


Lol, I have that song stuck in my head "Schools Out" buy Alice Cooper I think. Has anyone heard of Buckethead? They/He (I don't know if it is a one man band type thing or not) are really good, check them out here (btw, that is not my account on Imeem, the name is just a coincidence). I think that "Jordan" is a pretty good song, but most of those songs are good. Well, yeah, later dudes and like one dudet XD.


F1u 16 years, 8 months ago

I like the character sprite and the skeleton sprite, but the tree sprites aren't very good, and i'm really not trying to be mean, just saying.

OBELISK 16 years, 8 months ago

Buckethead is one man. A very enigmatic one at that.

frenchcon1 16 years, 8 months ago

Has anyone heard of Buckethead?

Buckethead is a multi-instrumentalist, much like that guy who does Nine Inch Nails. He wears a KFC bucket on his head. He's released about 38 albums in 20 years, under the names Buckethead and Death Cube K (which is an anagram of buckethead). He's a genius.

He also has the most bizarre song titles in history -_-

Alert Games 16 years, 8 months ago

you may not use these graphics without asking lukesterspy first
and why would i use them? hahah jk

SquareWheel 16 years, 8 months ago

He also has the most bizarre song titles in history -_-
Panic! at the Disco.