[TrogBlog] The Impostor

Posted by Trogdor on Dec. 9, 2007, 3:56 a.m.

I was going to wait to post my next blog, until I had 2255 hits, 100 away from the previous blog, but it seems that I've got an impostor.


The next thing we'll probably see is the [Trog42Blog]

So, life has been enjoyable lately. Apparently, I have no life, according to my mother, because I spend a lot of time viewing this site.

The Bank Fiasco

So, I got my 2 week paycheck the other day. It was for $163.51 { Yes, I know that is a crappy paycheck. } So, I took it to the bank on Friday, and got it cashed. Twas like all other times, I walked in, said hi to the teller, and gave her my signed check. Only, this time was different. I gave her my check, she gave me my money, I left. I didn't count it until I got back to work, after the bank closed. Behold, Trogdor did NOT have $163.51! Trogdor had $263.51 :D

I was in a weird mood. I wasn't sure whether I should take it back or not. Then I realized, I can legally keep it. It was the teller's fault, not mine. So, now I need to find something to buy with $100.00 that never existed.

The MP3 Player

So, I bought my mother a new snazzy mp3 player for her birthday. She was all psyched, put on this little latex/random pink cover on it, and never used it. She told be I could use it until I found mine. So, I did use it. Added music to it and whatnot, and took off the pink cover. Tonight she wanted it back, so I grabbed the mp3 player, but couldn't find the pink cover. Now she's uber pissed off at me. Give me advice 64D!

GM Stuff

So, I've not touched Game Maker in months now. I don't know if I should really pick it back up. =/

End Blog

Allright, This is the end of the latest TrogBlog. Shade my sword from the previous blog, make me an avatar, or just comment. NOW!

Enjoy My Blog.

-Trogdor the Burninator


Strongbad made a new episode. Diorama. Go watch it. NOW! http://www.homestarrunner.com


Here is the best way to see life.


LoserHands 17 years, 1 month ago

Quote: TheBurninator
it seems that I've got an impostor.


"The name Trogdor is popular."

Thank you Serpy.