Posted by TwistyWristy on May 4, 2009, 1:56 p.m.

Hey, what's up 64D?

What's happening, what' going on?

It's been quite a while since I've posted… I came to see what everyone was up to about half a year ago, but the server was down; and it continued to stay down when I tried again later =(

Anyhow, it's nice to see the place didn't die after all (as I thought when the server was done) and to see a few old members are still here.

Even nicer still to see two PM's that have been sitting here since August 2008. Lovely, just lovely.

Fortunately, after reading them, I found I was also contacted about the contents outside of PM's as well.

What have I been up to lately?

Besides being awesome, which you know already:


Writing a 100+ page Animorph Fan Fiction for my siblings.

They liked it but I'm not pleased with the final result; probably because I replaced the darkness for humor.

Displeased to the point that I haven't put it on any FanFiction sites until I give it a do over and who knows when that could be? Plus, part II still needs to be written.

A 5-8 research report with accompanying video presentation for my LCTA course. (Holds up 'audience disappointed' cue sign)

A parody of The HitchHiker's Guide to The Galaxy based around the cyberworld.

Posting in several discussions about the economy.


- Created a bot cooler then Ciribot.

- Expressed my frustration that the Flyers and Sixers are both out of the playoffs

- Became a secret agent

New Laptop + Decent Internet

As you may or may not know I've suffered with a 28- 40 KB internet connection for quite before moving on to a better and yet so much worse satellite connection.

Now I've got a sweet new USB modem from Sprint.

5 GB of bandwidth, decent speeds, and works just about everywhere except on the path through a forest on the upmost peaks of a really sharp curving mountain range (yes this really happened…don't ask, though you probably will anyway).

No rolling bandwidth cap, no contract B.S. and complete mobility.

It's got a few neat features such as GPS; it would be perfect if it was capable of receiving text messages but a talk with Sprint and probing the AT commands (and seemingly messing up the modem for a heart-stopping moment in the process) revealed that it was impossible.

The laptop, a Toshiba Satellite, 17" Widescreen, 3 GB Ram, 3.3 GHz Dual Core processors, 250 GB Hard Drive, an ATI Radeon… er, four digits something labeled graphics card.

Not a bleeding edge, top of the line graphics card of course but Empire Earth has never looked so beautiful.

And if I had some time, you guys would get destroyed in Sapphire Tears (is that game still running strong?) and Adrenaline.

I mean, if I did pretty good on a crappy dial-up connection, well… let's just leave it at consider yourselves lucky. >=p

A site I create a little while ago to help out with tuition and bills. Feel free to contribute and ask a question!

Or if you could Stumble, Digg it, etc. I'd appreciate it.


I started sketching a little bit more and finally decided to take the time to study the human anatomy, seemingly changed my mind a few minutes later, but those few minutes have resulted in better human poses and figures.

I do like the eyeballs I've been drawing though, Animé style.

In the never ending debate between whether Photoshop or MS-Paint is better for drawing between my siblings and I, I put together a surprisingly not bad head (for a five minute job):

If you don't see the image, use your imagination and imagine something spectacular… it's on a different computer so I can't upload it right now =p

If imagination isn't your strong point or if your mind is stuck in an endless loop on the girl sitting next to you in class (despite your thoughts being multi-threaded) then here:

a thousand words

On the other hand, they are doing some making some amazing pixel art good, game-quality stuff.

We're supposed to be making a game one of these days when I get the time.

Make Some Cash!

(Previously the subheader was going to be entitled "Make Some Money" but it brings to mind that annoying oovoo commercial…)

Mostly what I've been doing and the reason I've been so busy is I've been doing freelance coding projects on to help cover tuition.

I've got a decent ranking (10/10, #3,429 and in the top 1.5 percent of coders on the site).

Anyway, I get invited to a lot of projects due to my good ranking, far many than I can take on at once so an idea I've recently had (and am currently implementing) is to refer these projects to additional people.

Here's how it works:

If you, the beloved reader, posses any of the following skills:



- Java

- Javascript




- VB

- C++

- C#

- Python

- Ruby on Rails

- iPhone Development


- Flash

- Logo Design

- Vector Art

- Website Design

- Wordpress

- Drupal

- Joomla

- Unix Server Skills

- Ninja Skills

- Unlisted Skills

If you are reasonably good with aforementioned skills and if you let me know you are interested, I can send you the project specs and the payment you'll receive; if you like the project I can open communication with the buyer and if all goes well, they'll accept.

After the work is done and the buyer accepts it as 'complete' I mark down your share. As soon as rentacoder pays (usually earlier than the 7th and 22nd of each month), I'll send you your payment via PayPal!




Castypher 15 years, 9 months ago

All I can say about the above mentioned languages is I can't use PHP so well. CSS is one thing, HTML is another, but PHP refuses to cooperate.

I'm probably the only soul that hardcodes his web code. All of it, HTML, CSS, PHP, everything. Nice for troubleshooting, but annoying as hell.