[T-M] Uni FTW!

Posted by Tyranic-Moron on Oct. 23, 2007, 10:59 p.m.


So, yeah. I'm at Uni now. Well, I've been here about a month now, but whatever. I'm doing Computer Science with Games Development at The University of Hull.

Lectures are currently really boring, they're going from basics (LULZ WHAT DOES AN IF STATEMENT DO?). This does mean I can sleep/design portal levels/play games in them though :D

Also, no homework/coursework is being set yet, so I have epic amounts of free time to waste. Mostly I spend them on playing games, portal mapping, and random programming based things of win.

As Hull is a 4-5 hour drive from where I was before, I live in a Hall of Residence now. Actually, here's some pictures of my room from like, 5-10 minutes before this blog is posted:

My room overall

My PC of win

My Bed, lulz

Sink and me in the mirror :O Zelda T-Shirt FTW

Mmm, cookies and muffins. Need to buy more though =(

Posters of win. Possibly

"I has a box, and it's Orange :O"

OH SHIT ITS ME (Like my Zelda wristband?)

Does mean I have to cook/wash up/remember to sleep/do the laundry/buy food/get up in the morning myself now though… that last one I'm finding hard, repetitive alarms don't wake me.

Also, the second largest game shop in Europe opened in Hull over the weekend (why Hull? XD). So obviously everyone on the Games Dev course had to go on a pilgrimage to retrieve holy artifacts from the hands of the shop-keepers. It was awesome, they had XBox360's for £100, Phantom Hourglass for £10 (I'd already ordered it though), and DS's with two games for about £50. They also had large amounts of games-related merchandise, like my wristband :D. GameStation are nuts XD

Portal Mapping

I keep mentioning that I'm mapping for portal, so here's what I'm up to:

And here's the design for it I drew in a lecture about variable types (LULZ WHERE SHOULD YOU USE AN INT?):

Also, I need testers for the map - talk to me on MSN if you have Portal =P


Games I've been playing recently:


  • Portal =P

  • Half-Life 2: Episode 2

  • Unreal Tournament 2004 (We'll be mapping for it as coursework!)

  • Frets on Fire (check this out, free Guitar Hero for PC basically)


  • Pokémon Diamond

  • Phantom Hourglass (soon, was supposed to arrive today =/)

    Portal rocks so hard, gotta love GLaDOS too XD

    The ending song is fantastic, I extracted it from the GCF and play it all the time now.


    I've been working on some more Space-Art in random moments of boredom-with-programming-mapping-or-playing-games.

    Here's what I'm working on so far:

    Supernova (possibly not the final name)

    Going to add 2 more planets, one big one in the foreground, and another behind the one already there. Also meteors and debris and stuff.

    Oh, and that's 20% of the size I'm working at :D


    …has been neglected. I'm learning C# now anyways, and I've been busy doing other awesome stuff too. I hope to finish the last game I was working on though, as I want to submit at least one complete game here =P

    Anyway, the last thing I was working on is Nucleus, for those of you who I've told about it.

    Here's some screenies:

    Menu screen



    A blog from me that has more than a screenfull of content? :O WHERE DID THE REAL ME GO?!

    Now feel free to write random comments that mostly ignore what I've written =P

    Bai guyz

    – Tyranic-Moron
  • Comments

    KaBob799 17 years, 4 months ago

    Must… Get… Portal…

    Kenon 17 years, 4 months ago

    That's the room OF MY DREAMS! =D

    DFortun81 17 years, 4 months ago

    Super Nova is made of win.

    Firebird 17 years, 4 months ago

    This was a triumph

    I’m making a note here: huge success

    It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction

    Aperture Science

    We do what we must because we can

    For the good of all of us

    Except the ones who are dead

    But there’s no sense crying over every mistake

    You just keep on trying till you run out of cake

    And the science gets done and you make a neat gun

    For the people who are still alive

    I’m not even angry

    I’m being so sincere right now

    Even though you broke my heart and killed me

    And tore me to pieces

    And threw every piece into a fire

    As they burned it hurt because

    I was so happy for you

    Now these points of data make a beautiful line

    And we’re out of beta, we’re releasing on time

    So I’m glad I got burned, think of all the things we learned

    For the people who are still alive

    Go ahead and leave me

    I think I’d prefer to stay inside

    Maybe you’ll find someone else to help you

    Maybe Black Mesa

    That was a joke, ha ha, fat chance

    Anyway this cake is great

    It’s so delicious and moist

    Look at me still talking when there’s science to do

    When I look out there it makes me glad I’m not you

    I’ve experiments to run, there is research to be done

    On the people who are still alive

    And believe me I am still alive

    I’m doing science and I’m still alive

    I feel fantastic and I’m still alive

    And while you’re dying I’ll be still alive

    And when you’re dead I will be still alive

    Still alive

    Still alive


    OL 17 years, 4 months ago

    It was awesome, they had XBox360's for £100, Phantom Hourglass for £10 (I'd already ordered it though), and DS's with two games for about £50.

    Preowned though?

    Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 4 months ago

    I hasn't got n0 posturz.

    I has no privacy, so I don't put crap up or in my room.

    Tyranic-Moron 17 years, 4 months ago

    @KaBob799: YES YOU MUST. DO IT NOW

    @Kenon: Well, it's not bad =P

    @DFortun81: Thanks muchly :D

    @George: You obviously haven't tried it then

    @Firebird: SPOILARS ON ME BLOG? :O

    @OL: No, not pre-owned =P

    @ghg: Say what? Where does privacy come into having posters up? Unless they're of teh womenz of course =P

    poultry 17 years, 4 months ago

    i hasd pr0talz

    Kaz 17 years, 4 months ago

    Hmmm, I should try making maps for Portal.

    Flea1991 17 years, 4 months ago

    Is the poster on far-left a Magic-Eye poster?