Proof: In other news, I got the LOLOMGWTFBBQ badge [:D]. If you beat it while the code submitting page is down, just send a PM to twisterghost with your code, he'll sort you out.Almost finished designing my new website, here's a screeny:I'm rather proud of it, so don't go insulting it [:P].Finally, I will do your userbar hootie_hoo, I'm still trying to get something 'hip', lol.
I started using Gamemaker in 2002, so I\'ve been around a while (I think). I discovered 64digits after being sent to it to download someones game, and I\'ve stayed here ever since :). I like making graphics, but I\'m not very
You must have never gone to the GMC before. There are more active users there. :P
yup. I took a pic of it aswell
You ever notice how I'm ALWAYS on?
It looks interesting, but i dont like the TNR in the content box titles.
Of course like the only time I'm not on.
Lots of… gridlines.
yeah… I might need to remove the gridlines on the content title bars [:/]