Tank Wars 3D beta 3 released!

Posted by UltimateSephiroth on July 15, 2007, 4:04 p.m.

…well, the title speaks for itself. I've done a lot of updates to TW3D lately and finally I got it to a point it could be released. Go on and check it out! Also, the prequel on TW3D, Tank Wars 2.0, has been finally added for downloading!

*This shouldn't be in the Recent list now.*


FireflyX 17 years, 7 months ago

wow the tanks can even get destroyed in water now! I'm liking this game so far keep up the good work.

s 17 years, 7 months ago

This isn't in the recent list now

UltimateSephiroth 17 years, 7 months ago

wow the tanks can even get destroyed in water now! I'm liking this game so far keep up the good work.

I see you're very keen on TW3D, and I appreciate that a lot. At least I've got somebody interested! As I've got to this point, I'm not going to freeze the project, however if I don't get it finished until August 13th the speed I'm making it will be radically cut down. That's because of I, like most people do, too go back at school. Thank you for listening to me again!