Updates from Super Hornet Scramble

Posted by UnionJack on Jan. 29, 2013, 2:27 p.m.

If you've been following my posts at my personal page, or here, you'll notice I've been having trouble getting bullets working. I was going to go the projectile mesh route with them, but instead opted for raycasting. In future versions, I might try to come up with a stronger algorithm, but for now this'll do. Basic particles are working now as well, and I have a couple different views working. I've added the enemy tag, as well as a target mesh to carry that type. I might sharpen its mesh up and use it in a target practice training-type mission.

For my main task, today I'll be working on a SAM site as my first actual hostile.

Here are some screens:

Stay tuned for more!

Edit: Also, just in case you're curious, my buddy is doing a lets play of legend of grimrock at our main page. He's already into the second episode, but the first one just came out last week:




JuurianChi 12 years ago

you may want to use BBcode for your links:

 [u r l= thisisyourlink] link text goes here, mate.[/url]

UnionJack 12 years ago


Gonna be wanting that page preview option soon…