
Posted by V on Nov. 29, 2006, 10:31 a.m.

More pointless annoying work in tech. <_< Same thing over and over, blah.


It's doing well, I finally understand what my ex-GF meant by "love like a brother." It was hard for me to figure out since I don't even have a sister, so I imagined if I went out with my brother… then it all fit together, so yea. =/


This is actually starting to become fun! In world history we got to watch monty python's the holy grail, we're getting a break in most of all our classes, I have 8 more days of school left (actually 9, but w/e) my grandma is coming december 8th (Yay, spatzel! (type of pasta made only in germany and my house. =D)) Yes, it's becoming fun except for algebra 2, our teacher is zooming through lessons and forcing us to do bookwork, and I HATE IT. That and these two broads cannot shut the fuck up, it's annoying to the point where I want to just KO them if I could…


I'm now attempting to revive an ancient game that I made in the past where you have 2 characters that you switch between for control in order to reach the exit as a puzzle/platformer that was once known as runter. So expect something soon! =D as for 64quest, I haven't done muh on it, my parents have been limiting my time on the computer now, so that's anoyying.

So that's what's going on with me, what about you? Oh, and I found my copy of animal crossing wild world, but now I can't connect to WI-FI!!! >=/ It's strange, but I'll figure it out one day.





Flea1991 18 years, 2 months ago

so I imagined if I went out with my brother… then it all fit together, so yea. =/


Kenon 18 years, 2 months ago

My life is going ok. Not gonna describe it. I got blogs for that.

Quote: vanhelsing
I want to just KO them if I could…
Play Mortal Kombat vs them. Then you can finish them off.


sk8m8trix 18 years, 2 months ago

dide a girl just did that to me recently, and she turned bi… double ko to me