My pokemon Pearl friend code (For those that wanna battle)

Posted by V on June 19, 2007, 8:19 p.m.

Myeah, my Pokemon Pearl's friend code is 2706 8498 5034. PM me yours, and we'll battle sometime. Here's my preferred team, while I'm at it. I'm still building it up, but it's a deadly team, nonetheless.

Infernape - lvl65, knows Cut(Will change), Flare blitz, Focus Blast, and FlameThrower

Mismagius - lvl54, knows mean look(Will change), thunder, Trick Room, and Dark Pulse. (Note to others, Trick Room, is an awesome move that reverses speed and allows the slowest to go first. Pwned the elite 4 using it.)

Empoleon - lvl53, knows Rock Climb, Waterfall, Surf, and Hydro Cannon (It's an HM slave, might change, but more likely not)

Chatot - lvl41 (Definantly gonna change this to a more powerful bird type. Specifically my flying pokemon.)

Lucario - lvl 46, knows Drain Punch, Aura Sphere, Rock Smash (Gonna change), and Strength (Gonna change that too.)

Palkia - lvl51, knows Strength (How'd that get there? Gonna change.), Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, and Spacial Rend

Yeah, my team isn't finalized much either, but it's still a good team, considering the type arrangement. No grass types though, so I'm definantly gonna have to change something around.

—–Besides that stuff…

I'm going to schlitterbahn again tommorrow. Lines will probably be much smaller, considering it's gonna be on a weekday, so it should be much calmer. Slash has also annoyed me enough to be on my block list, meaning if he posts a single thing, it's gonna be gone when I see it. Hopefully any other noobs that take a look at my blog, they'll understand you don't have to try hard to get on my bad side. XD

—–Sapphire tears close to coming back?

Since the badges are all fixed up, the only remaining thing to be fixed is the sapphire tears stat board. Once it's fixed, I'm assuming Sapphire tears will also be fixed, so yay for that.

—–See my new project yet?

Go to my home page and read the blog before this one, it'll have a demo to it.

Question - If you have pokemon Pearl or diamond, which version do you have, and what does your current team consist of? (Purely for my advantage against other people when it comes to PVP. XD)


EDIT: OMFG, I found a cool site just now, googling for Darkrai, it's got images of every single pokemon, their animations, back and front graphics, and even the shiny versions, it very amazing. Check it out down here.


thepharaoh 17 years, 8 months ago

I like to play with my Leaf Green version and to train my Totodile and my Cyndquil I traded in from XD.

V 17 years, 8 months ago

Lol @ CRane, Sorry about the whole horrifying lack of ST… And Thanks, MrPacman. :D I R awaiting it to happen…

V 17 years, 8 months ago

Uhh… I really want a Cyndiquil. :| Also, I'm still leveling up some crap. I trade evolved my Haunter with my friend, he did the same.. And we didn't manage to trade back. Now we have a schitty lvl 25 gengar that isn't ours, and also, I gave that gengar a good item, which I lost. :(


P.S. I've stolen my friends flag 35 times in one day. :P

thepharaoh 17 years, 6 months ago

I actually bought a Nintendo DS and bought Pearl Version, I haven't beat it yet, it may take a while cause I like to take Pokemon cames slow-I don't like going to fast. On my FireRed version, I got five Pokemon up to Level 75 before I challenged the Elite Four for the first time. VS Seekers rock!!