Whee. I get to go to court today.

Posted by V on July 18, 2007, 8:19 a.m.

Yes, I got in quite a bit of trouble during school, you know, peer pressure and wanting to do stupid shit that you would want to believe you could get away with. Ah, from the start, I suppose. One of my friends, Daniel, got me into skipping classes, and one day we decided to just skip again, only this time leaving school grounds. Of course, that was a horribly bad idea. We were found outside the school, underneath a bridge, doing what we did best - we were found playing video games. The cops that found us got excited over the fact that they thought we were gonna do something even dumber, like drugs. But, to their dissapointment, we didn't have any drugs (Yay). So, I gotta go to court to appeal for this whole ordeal since it was in fact, against the law to just take a step beyond school grounds, but I figured that out the hard way. MahfreenAmeh was with me, too, so he gets to go to court tommorrow as well. Sad stuff, huh.

So in other news, ST is up, yay. But that moronic froob Darkai doesn't know when to give up, and for some extremely strange reason, is not banned. Boo. But there's still the nightfall online game. Yay. But, after a point, it gets ridiculously hard to level up, for now. Boo. Aaah, and I also have my hands and face sunburned, so taking a shower is like getting a fire thrown into my face every morning. Painful. But, I did find the spare time to create this new banner. Yay.

So, in terms of GM, I suppose I'm taking a break once again, and 64Quest? You could probably consider it cancelled at this point. But I'll be sure to release a editable to let you guys see the work I put into that game yourselves, so yeah. Also, I will soon begin working on a different project, this time, with the combined efforts of Purianite, to create a game called 64Quest - Lucid dreams. I'll leave you guys wondering what it is we'll be up to, so think of what the storyline may be for now, we're still in the stage of figuring out exactly what type of game it'll be. Perhaps 3d, perhaps 2d, who knows. I'll let you guys know what happens with it.

Poll: what would you want this project to be like?

(Note: you can combine your answers to make something different, like 1,3,6 or 2,5)



3.Shooter (Although I'm already working on that genre.)



6.fast action

With my usual signing off thing,


EDIT: Yes, I am infact back, and I now believe the judicial system is filled with mass fail. Why? I get caught off campus and I'm charged 275 dollars. 275 FUCKING DOLLARS. How insane can you get? When we were waiting in the courtroom (For a full 2 hours and 30 minutes) we saw some guys that did some crazy traffic violations IE 15 miles above the speed limit (This is class C misdemeanor, so this is as low as punishment goes) And they're charged 100 dollars. Exactly WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE GUYS? What's more, is that I was offered community service. Bad news, and this is abso-fucking-lutely ridiculous, is that for us daytime cerfew violators, is that we must do 48 hours of community service within 120 days. Now think about this… you have to pester your parents to take you to community service every day, and the amount of time it would take (An hour to get there) and then adding the fact that we have to take a huge chunk of time out of our day to get down there… And then you have to PAY money to even fucking begin! This was so freakin' annoying to hear, and then you have to go BACK to the court place, wait another 2 hours and 30 minutes, and then prove that you've done the community service… Just way too much effort. And you would most likely be paying even more money than what it would cost to do the community service, believe it or not. It was just so ridiculous…


Amarin 17 years, 7 months ago

I'm going for 3D.

OBELISK 17 years, 7 months ago

When I saw the title of this blog, something inside of me hoped Eternal was ok.

Were these cops pulling a Jack Thompson*, or is it just the whole school grounds thing? If that was a law at my school, my ass would've been in the pen years ago.



*If you don't know him, he's an attorney who blames violent acts solely on video games. He also uses tragedies as an excuse to spew his beliefs. Total prick.

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 7 months ago

When I saw the title of this blog, something inside of me hoped Eternal was ok.
That is exactly what I was thinking, too.

I'm having trouble understanding this one: You skipped class to hide under a bridge… and play video games? With no other substances? Why don't you just play video games in class?

V 17 years, 7 months ago

@Kairos Did they care about why I was skipping? Yeah, I didn't have a reason to except to hang out for awhile.

@H3adlock For some reason, it seemed an awful lot like that. They actually complained about how we weren't doing drugs when we got caught, really.

@Puri Ok, I still have no idea how to do 3D and such, so I'm gonna have to study that kind of thing for awhile…

@Obelisk Why do you say that? what's up with eternal? >_< And no, they didn't pull a jack thompson.

@Poly Oooooh, no no no nooo, we were planning to get out over to the next county, and hang out over there, since our school was pretty close to the county border. And wtf is with you saying that stuff about substances? If I was gonna do that crap, I would've stayed at home and done it, that's what a smart person would've done. And we can't play video games in class when you have no desks and you're doing class group activities every day.

SquareWheel 17 years, 7 months ago

A cop just felt like looking under a bridge?

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 7 months ago

And wtf is with you saying that stuff about substances?
It's practically a law that if you skip class, you've got to smoke pot [;)]

Lethal 17 years, 7 months ago

It's practically a law that if you skip class, you've got to smoke pot
Or teh shroomiez :P! But, yeah, Im having a little bit of difficulty undestanding this one too. SO…

You skipped class and snuck under a bridge. Once there, you whipped out you DSs or PSPs and began to play (how innocent). Then, a cop pulls, up out of the blue, and finds you under the bridge with no substances of laughter and fun to be found. (Seriously no one sneaks out of school and under a shady bridge to play games) Of course he suspects to find drugs! Plus, you have to go to court just for leaving school grounds, geez, I thought you would just get a suspension or something.

Oh well, I hope you've learned a lesson and had fun playing DS. Im a little addicted to Pokemon right now, its very fun.

Lethal 17 years, 7 months ago

video games are like pot to me

V 17 years, 7 months ago

@Cookinater From what the cops said, they were following us the whole time. NOT LIKELY… Someone probly just noticed us and tipped off the authorities.

@Poly Not if drugs severely fuck your head up like it does to mine. I got high off of laughing gas, for christs sake, and that seriously screwed me up.

@Lethal Yea, I'm addicted to pokemon right now, since there's not much else to do at midnight. I really need some new video games though…

Lethal 17 years, 7 months ago

I got high off of laughing gas, for christs sake, and that seriously screwed me up.
Thats because inhalents fuck everyone up and damage you brain massively if the worng method of intake is used.