Yes yes, it's another blog. What, you expected a cookie?

Posted by V on Sept. 7, 2007, 7:14 p.m.

I'm sure you were expecting a cookie. Anyways, time for the usual blogging of life + random crap.


Nothing bad, nothing good. School's back in again, and that's not good in terms of video gaming time. But who cares about that, the new stuff and masses of respect as a junior

1. Teachers know you're older, and therefore, believe you're more mature, so respect for me from teachers has gone through the roof.

2. The classes ACTUALLY have interesting things going on in them, English, we talked about how the world will end from different religions' points of view, Chemistry, we blow shit up that is normally illegal, but totally legal. Like today, I made a fireball of death out of a damn balloon. Talk about PWN@GE. (In my case. Might be nothing for those of you that's actually seen some crazy shit from first person.) US history… Actually, it's so-so. Nothing amazing. And Geometry… Surprisingly enough, it's a fun class. The teacher isn't one of those PMSing 24/7 teachers, it's one of those teachers that knows what we want and think, it's very fun.

3. Same friends, but throw in a few more plus some smexy girls that are candidates for dating. But, that isn't happening for awhile, last thing I need to add ontop of school is a girlfriend, but it's a good chance I may end up with a GF.

4. The school brought back the snack machines — THANK YOU GOD.

5. I have just gotten my liscense to drive this morning, so I can drive whenever and wherever I want now. So I'm no longer limited to wandering around my neighborhood, so yeah.


I heard Metroid Prime 3 is out. I need to go and buy it with the amount of birthday money I got, as well as a DS game, if I feel like it.

This is all I got at the moment, comment away.



Crane-ium 17 years, 5 months ago

Umm…sup VH. I want to get Metroid Prime 3, but I want to get more Wii controllers first, because I generally have plenty of friends over playing games with me. I got 100 dollars to spend too. I like my classes this year, being a Junior rules (except SATs are coming up).

RoyalSmacketh 17 years, 5 months ago

Host ST.

KaBob799 17 years, 5 months ago

Metroid Prime 3 is fun =) I love having a Wii

NeutralReiddHotel 17 years, 5 months ago

I actually did expect a cookie. =[

I hate school now. In my Geometry class, my teacher has to explain where to draw dots in a coordinate plane. WHEN THE FUCKING COORDINATES ARE (0,0).

PY 17 years, 5 months ago

I'm english, no MP3 for me…

V 17 years, 5 months ago

Rofl @ Dabridge

@ Crane Yeah, alot more respect, better teachers, the classes aren't bullshit, etc. etc., and we've got 3 wii controllers, so I need to buy 1 more then get MP3. :3

@ Royal Nyu.

@ bob799 Good to hear, all the more reason for me to get it.

@ phazon In time, you shall have it, I'm pretty sure.

Acid 17 years, 5 months ago
