Explosions, colored fire, and rings of + 5 stamina

Posted by V on Oct. 24, 2007, 10:42 p.m.

Well, you were expecting explosion, right? -Asplode- There, now onto the other stuff.


Things are moving slower than usual, I'm ACTUALLY starting to run out of things to do on the computer, and the parents are done with me being on the computer all the time and want me to GTFO and get a job (16 BTW, not 24) so that I have a reason to not be on the computer so damn much. Well, that's life for you, it has it's ups and downs.

—–Colored flames and other classes—–

We were classifying elements by flame color earlier today in chemistry, so that was good fun, although we have a really large project on a certain molocule due next week, and me, being the masterful procrastinator I am, I have nothing done. We need a model and everything, and I wind up with the one molocule that you even type in will come up with millions of 'lose weight now!' sites. MSG. If ANY of you know of a site that talks about this molocule, structure, anything else on it, tell me. I've given up hope on finding it on the internet without taking an hour.

My other classes are… pretty much the exact same thing as last year, only a bit more difficult. A year of complete reviewing? I would say so. But anyways, I got to skip the first chunk of chemistry (I would appreciate it, considering the amount of people in there that smell like cigarette smoke all the fucking time) to go to a presentation about class rings. Yeah, the expensive ring that is amazingly shiny and is something fun to punch people with, your other set of brass knuckles, etc. etc.. It was honestly pretty interesting, since they were so customizable.

So, after the presentation and after school, we ended up talking about what kinds of rings we'd be getting. Mine would be a nautilus ring, gem would be my birthstone, which is a light green emerald, with a imperial cut, with sunburst effect on the bottom, and my name engraved in old english text on the inside, crafted with white gold (A more bad ass looking version of silver). If I could find a way to get a picture, I would show it off, but I don't, so yeah. You'll have to wait until somewhere near the end of my junior year to see the result.

But, we were talking about if life were an RPG (The whole world wishes that.) what kind of effects our rings would have. Considering what mine looked like, it would be something like a ring of knowledge, +4 to int, +2 to con, +50 MP (In terms of the RPG's I usually play, that's a LOT of MP.) My friend nathan came up with finding the most bad ass look we could possibly come up with and called it the god slayer, +3 to all stats, +100 HP, +100 MP, costing the most on that page, like 650$ or something larger then that. Either way, it seemed really awesome being visualized.


I can see that 64D is still fucking up as usual, I don't blame the people working hard to get rid of it, but either way, it's still messing up. Besides that, I've been checking out Newgrounds more and more often then I used to, and normally get treated nicely looking through the things. Also, alot of people have been noting that the new Saw IV commercial says "If you thought it was over, you are wrong." We have an assistant principal named mr. Cormier (Core - me - yay, it's french) That usually parades around the school with a megaphone, noting what everybody is doing wrong, like quote"If you are walking down the left side of the hall, when you should be on the right side, YOU ARE WRONG." And so, we have formed the idea that jigsaw is noneother than Cormier himself (We know it's not true, but hey, it's funny imagining it!) So, we call him jigsaw every now and then, so yeah. Will try to record some sort of moment and combine with the commercial and show it off.


Well, I've typed up much more than usual, that's a good sign. Hopefully the blog won't be small since the amount of text typed in is stretched out X 2, so yeah. Until next time,



V 17 years, 4 months ago

Lol, I normally wind up playing some online game I already kick major ass in and kill everyone and see their responses. But yeah.

@Leyenda VERY much thanks, I can definantly use this information. =D

@ultim8p00 Believe it or not, even that. I'm now even browsing Fchan for gods sakes, it gets… boring after looking at the same thing in slightly different physical appearances. (NOTE: Yeah, that makes me semi furry, sue me)