[VH] The newest chapter to 64D history...

Posted by V on Nov. 13, 2007, 9:48 p.m.

I decided to come up with a little story book sort of feel to this blog, as I will explain what precisely has happened in the past hour.

NOTE: The forcelogin does NOT EXIST, so please do not flip out over it. XD


———- Chapter 9 - The great flaw ———-

VH had logged into 64Digits, to talk about his long day of his meeting with teachers, and more about his not surprisingly boring life, until something was amiss during the visit. A single blog in the bottom left corner reading "Force login revealed". Being so curious, VH wandered within the blog to find a terrible hole in the wall that surrounds 64Digits. This hole allowed one to log in as any user based on the URL entered, and thus, a shadowy figure climbed out of the hole…

This figure, chilling at a mere glance, climbed out of the wall, and instantly began modifying moderators names, blogs, and passwords, and creating a news post that shocked all, as this shadow named himself the 'Ruler of 64Digits'! Many users thought it was a simple joke, VH especially, and used his MSN scanner to ask about the meager prank. The shadow, masked as Arcalyth, AKA the Architect of V3, laughed as VH found the real Arcalyth completely unaware of what was occurring. The shadow created another news post, along with a blog by Flashback, whom he renamed, and declared the sacred weapon of the internet, the Ban hammer, to be dropped at midnight.

Many were scared, as many believed it was ShadowYoshi was the cause of this, seeking revenge after his ban from the previous day. Several users panicked, while the senior users stood strong against the shadow, the shadow using Arcalyths body renamed himself as 'The phantom modera', and some recognized it instantly. Ross made himself stand out in the crowd, and after sharing his 2 cents, he asked the phantom modera for a badge with the triforce of courage on it. He simply replied "Sure, I'll give it to you, in due time.". VH continued to believe it was still a mere joke ,Then, the phantom modera used the magic 'silence' and his warn skyrocketed, unable to talk at all. VH then saw this was no simple joke, and began searching through MSN for someone that could possibly stop it.

Then, a message appeared on VH's HUD. It was from MrPacman, otherwise known as the irony tree, displaying several words. This PM has shown that he was the one causing this monstrousity. "Another user that was once my friend the cause of this?" Thought VH, and was surprised at first. Further talking to Pacman, he had discovered the force login was no myth, and described how to use it. VH was tempted, but knew not to even attempt to use such a horrible force. Then, miraculously, VH's silence had worn off.

Arcalyth, now in control, suppressed Pacman's frenzy, and with a final yell, he screamed 'NO! I CANNOT BE DEFEATED! I WILL CONQUER!' As Arcalyth chuckled, and used the special move 'Flashback slice'! The phantom modera was no more, and only Pacman remained, shivering. "That's the end for you, Pac. Only a moment's time until you are surely banned…" Said VH, and then Pacman began laughing, maniacally, along with Arcalyth! Had something gone terribly wrong? "You just got punked!" Shouted Arc, full of cheer, Pacman was at the point of crying from such hard laughter. VH said "I knew it was a prank, it would've only made sense!" While MahFreenAmeh continuously spammed "TL;DR!", and one of the newer users, Link2X101, said "Hacked Posts Just Dissapeared??? What Happened? Does This Mean I Won't Get Banned?? Is It All Over Now?? WTH Happens Now??

Where Did The Phantom Mod Go??? PLZ, Someone Explain What Is Going On… " And everyone laughed, relieving the once tense air of 64Digits, and all was well.

Rumors had still went on in the aftermath though, showing that Rubiks cube had been the hacker, whilst saying with a fair amount of astonishment "I've been framed! =O". More became to believe that he was the real hacker, and then Rubiks revealed his true motives. Thankfully, before he could even say anything, the valiant spammer MahFreenAmeh saved the day by TL;DR-ing Rubik's to death.

None know wether or not the phantom mod will appear again in 64D history, but only time shall tell, and thus the world marched on its continuous orbit around the sun… Until a massive duck crashed into the earth and blew it up. TEH EDN!1 1! !1One111!1eleven!11!eins!1!1!elf!1!11!1!1/1111/!?111!1one


Quite fun business, lemme know if the story needs some edits added. :D



Cesar 17 years, 3 months ago

blew me out of the water :P

Castypher 17 years, 3 months ago

You forgot to add SY haxxing everybody's accounts.

Ross 17 years, 3 months ago

Very nice recap, you forgot to include me and my lack of what the phantom mod promised me: a Courage Triforce Badge D=.

V 17 years, 3 months ago


Lol, sorta. :P


Right, how could I have forgotten that? moment.

Cesar 17 years, 3 months ago

I was the phatom mod for that…

you're never getting it :P

blueBX 17 years, 3 months ago

and used the special move 'Flashback slash'!
Flashback slice. >_>

Castypher 17 years, 3 months ago

Oh, and remember to add that Rubiks was behind it all. =P Need reference? Check link's blog that MFA spammed.

flashback 17 years, 3 months ago

That was epic.

Ross 17 years, 3 months ago

This story holds true, but it was all a plot to end 64D by Rubiks. Luckily, MFA saves us all.

V 17 years, 3 months ago

Yes, yes. I have added it.