firegleam blade! sent in today

Posted by V on April 30, 2006, 3:04 p.m.

it looks like i managed to get before my quota and sent in firegleam blade today! hopefully it'll be accepted. this is the description i put in, and hopefully alot of people will enjoy it!

Firegleam blade was once a project i worked on a year ago, but it was deleted in a memory wipe. later on, i decided to rework firegleam blade, and since it's old horribly made counterpart, this remake or complete make over has made a giant leap since it's older version

you play as Shawn, one that was bound by fate to save the continent from a beast known as the derelict. in order to defeat it, you must gather four elemental jewels and break the seal on a legendary weapon known as the firegleam blade, which will shatter any barrier of darkness, and defeat the derelict!

so far, the game only has one jewel, the earth jewel. this demo features:

brilliant night/day and lighting effects

real time gameplay, making it to where you have to play during the night and day to complete the game

3 spells, one earned by the earth jewel

in-game tutorial

two towns

1 armor and sword that can be bought

story effects what people say and help with, with each major event in the game.

1 dungeon

there's lots more to come, including in-game videos and many more!

and i still need a music producer! i really need this custom made music for the game guys, so i really need one soon! send me an e-mail with an example of your work to me at my e-mail, please! if i don't get results, i'll have to make a blog about, which i really don't feel like doing… <_<

last night me and my GF went to the movies and watchd scary movie 4. she loved it alot, then we got home and hung out until midnight. of course, my parents and her parents somehow had alot of time to do some chatting, and it turns out they are most likely going to come over alot more, seeing as they got along so well, so i'll be seeing my GF alot more! in other news:

mahfreenameh should have his comp fixed up by now

the 64digits series is HOPEFULLY not coming to an end soon, cuz i noticed it last night and really enjoyed it!

i'm bored now

i'm gonna go and eat nowz, so i'll brb later on.


MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 9 months ago

It should be fixed later on in the day, if i get lucky.

V 18 years, 9 months ago

that's pretty shweet dude. oh yeah, my mom's company she works for, can get a 3 year old comp for FREE from her office. for FREE! meaning i no longer will have the same cruddy laptop i usually end up with, which isn't very good. so the computer will be in my room (hopefully)

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 9 months ago

Damn… i need a new computer, to install Unix on.

V 18 years, 9 months ago

XD ha ha ha ha ha…