MMO obsessions... grr.

Posted by V on May 4, 2006, 7:02 a.m.

my brother has recently downloaded a MMORPG called ROSE online, and tuns out that i got absorbed into the game… meh, i get absorbed into anything that happens to be online or MMO. maybe i'm a crazy about fighting other people over the internet, you know. but aside from that, yesterday morning, i had massive bouts of pain in my stomach that grew so [painful that my teacher said i really had to go home and lie down. i'm SERIOUSLY hoping it doesn't happen again, i seriosly hated that. speaking of which. has anyone seen that south park episode where al gore is teaching everyone about something he calls manbearpig? it's funny beyond details, i swear…. "c'mon guys, i'm really super cereal here"(he says cereal instead of serious) really funny stuff for sure. that, and firegleam blade. i'm simply taking a break off of that and working on stuff in real life, seeing as the end of school is so near, as well as me having to get surgery on my nose right when the school year ends. they're going to inject me with all sorts of painkillers and cut it all up… then i get to have the metal bar in my chest taken out after having it inide of me for two, long years. but anyways, onto the news.

MFA SHOULD have his computer fixed up by now

the final episode of the 64digits series is near! hope i'm in it and don't die…

and that's it. the MMO obsession kept me off of 64digits for awhile, so off topic hunting i go!


SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 9 months ago

ROSE used to be free… when it went private I stopped playing. It really is a great game until you get to the point where you are just grinding for EXP… giant racoons FTW.

if you get royal jelly +5, hold on to it… people will pay over 100,000 for it.

V 18 years, 9 months ago

o.o i REALLY should've kept it… i had over 20!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 9 months ago

what did you do with them… don't tell me you sold them to a dealer? you're a moron if you did.

V 18 years, 9 months ago

dude, i had no idea. either way, i got more anyways. even so, i'm a mues now, so i think i could sell it for even better stuff! anyways, ya. thanks for letting me know.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 9 months ago

I went muse too.. I believe i was a level 37 when I quit.

V 18 years, 9 months ago

ahh… i see, turns out i actually b ought the jelly from noobs for 200 each, and when i think i got enuff, i'll go to junon polis and sell it all! easy moneh… [:P] oh right, i'm lvl 16 now, i'm just trying to get up to level 20 so i can rez.

Xemrel 18 years, 9 months ago

I remember rose. Are people still stupid about masks? I remember buying lots of them at 1K from crafters and selling them at 6K overnight. I never understood why people would buy them. Oh, well. ^_^