Van has a new girlfriend? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!

Posted by V on Sept. 27, 2008, 8:46 p.m.

It's true. After about 3 years of being lonely, I managed to get a new girlfriend. Go me.

Now, the funny part of this all, is that I didn't have to ask her, and she was the one that asked me. Wait, rewind a few moments. A beautiful girl. Asked me on a date. W. T. F. A girl, fall in love with me? 'Tis madness in itself! Why, it may even be SPARTA! Real kicker is that I knew her for only 2 weeks, and she's all over me. either this relationship is gonna be really good, or crash and burn really bad. Either way, we'll see, now won't we?

Vanhelsing has leveled up!

+1 charm

+4 motivation

+5 <3 points

Gained the "WTF" title!

You can now blog about more things than usual!



Nothing fresh there, had districct in choir. I sucked ass. XD Managed to get off tempo, and they picked the 2 cuts that nobody had practiced, so with any luck, I wasn't the only one that did miserably.


Well, of course I haven't done anything in that. It's just hard to do anything, with all this school getting into my life now.

Oh yeah, megaman 9 is AWESOME. It's fucking hard. BUT IT'S AWESOME.

Also, I have a new quote, enjoy it, in all its glory.


Van says:

'Allo jakers.

Requiem says:


Van says:

Haven't been on recently, I've been working like a mother with 20 husbands demanding sandwiches this week.

Van says:


Requiem says:


And not only that, but I leave you with a song!

I still can't get BBcode right. :<



R 16 years, 4 months ago

14 years bitches.

Azure 16 years, 4 months ago

good luck is all i have to say.

and megaman owns

flashback 16 years, 4 months ago

64digits matchmakes you with mind-altering code :O

Snakeman 16 years, 4 months ago

You guys suck at being lonely. I got 15 years here.

TDOT 16 years, 4 months ago

I pwn you all. 16 years!! Boo-ya!!!

Bryan 16 years, 4 months ago

Damn I suck at not having a relationship, only like, half a year for me :o