Posted by V on May 22, 2009, 3:20 p.m.

One week of school remains until I'm finally a graduate… And one week of putting up with these damned fools until I never have to see their ugly mugs ever again. That day will be so satisfying.


One of my friends in my physics class (A foreign exchange student from russia, really awesome guy) will be going back to Russia very soon, along with a bunch of my other friends. My best friend Leo will be shipping off for the army at the end of June, along with Danny. I will be a rather lonely guy by the end of summer, damn.


I think I'm going to finally get off my ass and re-register game maker so I can continue making games, that aren't big ass adventures. Probably short fun little projects, but I don't know at the moment. I'm just hoping I find plenty to do for summer.

I'm rather dull at the moment, and not much to report. Except for my hair, I got it dyed blue. Pics to come.



OBELISK 15 years, 9 months ago

You're still a ginger.

I got out of school yesterday. :D