Yes, who ordered the #5 C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER with medium fries, large coke, and a side of diabetes?
SO ANYWHO, I might be getting very sharp objects from my girlfriend for my birthday. Like a sword or something, I'm guessing here. But I will see in about a week.COLLEGE. The dreaded force that had me sitting in multiple lines for hours yesterday. Allow me to elaborate.It began as a happy day, I wake up about halfway into the day, and mario is trying to dodge the sun which was lunging at him outside of my yard. Nothing new there. I decided to go online to check my final schedule for college, and I load up the page to find… all but 1 class dissapeared off of my list. Here's where the problem comes in - I have absolutely no idea why. There's no notification, no "Hey, blah and blah is the reason you must get your classes registered again", absolutely nothing.I normally have little faith in the government, and this only made it drop further. So without further ado, I drove to the campus and requested a counceler. Luckily, it didn't take long because my case was very rare. So after sitting in the head supervisor's office for a good hour, she finally gives me the explanation that I have to re-register for classes… a week before they begin. That was bad enough news, but as usual, it gets worse. When I believed I had a payment plan set up, they had installed a new system the very same day, so it never actually registered it as a installment plan, but just as a single payment. All of the classes I had previously were dropped because we believed that we had the system set up, and now I had to salvage everything. So unfortunately I have a new schedule to work with, and I have to wake up at like 6 AM in the morning (God dammit) on tuesday and thursday.So, I had to set up another installment plan at the campus. Easy, right? Ahahaha, NO. I sat in a line for a good hour only to be told that all financial problems were handled at the cashier. And this was the financial aid/questions counter. So I went to another line that lasted about 30 minutes, and finally got things taken care of. I began at 1 PM, and finally left at 5:30 PM. WHAT THE EFF. Seriously, that took way too god damn long to set up a payment plan and reschedule some things. Eh, I guess that's my wake-up call to the harsh reality of things…Nothing is ever easy. And if it's ever easy, it's a trap.~V~
Change it back V.
NEVERRRR. This will be a day of… What day is i- FUCK.
Fuck you. I'm like, not reading your blog.
6am? Ouch. Like really. I feel for you.
6 AM only for two days a week? Lucky you. Try 5 AM 3 days a week.
College is awesome…until something goes wrong and you have to deal with the bureaucracy.