[V]Project Rebirth demo

Posted by V on Sept. 26, 2009, 8:08 p.m.

Yeah, I finalized a couple of things earlier and decided to release a demo showing off some of the (Not extremely impressive) graphics, gameplay, and what kind of enemies and challenges to expect. There's no sound, simply because I have no intention of fooling around with sound until I have a definate direction of where to go with the story.

The file is less than a megabyte, so there's no reason to complain about filesize.


As for storyline, I have come up with a general idea of what the game will revolve around… A book. It's meant to hold some kind of secret, many scholars believe that it holds the path to the ultimate power, or treasure. Nobody knows for certain, because the holder of the book quickly met their demise in strange and unfortunate accidents… But from what was gathered, some of the pages of the book were torn out. The only remaining pages describe a location on the world, a gateway of sorts. From what has been gathered, it leads to an alternate realm, warping those who stepped inside of it to be morphed into poorly drawn polygons with eyes, a small price to pay upon entry to this realm. But could worse things lurk within this realm that could harm the world as we know it? Only you could find out, since you've gone into this realm yourself, with a dusty, worn book in hand. The secrets of this alternate world and the special book lie within, and it's up to you to see how this story ends…

Sound good? I hope so. As for a final boss fight, I've decided that it would work well as a kind of battle where all you have to do is hold out against the big bad guy. Sounds simple… Right? Wrong… Horribly wrong. Will you guys get a preview? As DSG would go about it, of course not. Teasing is fun!

CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcome, and any possible ideas are also welcome.

As I noted in my previous blog, I'm looking for someone that will gladly help design either graphics or music (Or both, if you want to prove you're that awesome) that will fit the game.



ATOGAMES 15 years, 4 months ago

My windows installation hates me.-_-' I can't run any GM7 games.

and I was looking forward to this<'_->

Avenger 15 years, 4 months ago

I can do graphics depending on graphics size, style, format, etc.

SteveKB 15 years, 4 months ago


you should get windows 7! it's better than everything.

Alert Games 15 years, 4 months ago

21210 people flipped off by dr. robotnik