
Posted by V on June 24, 2010, 10:12 a.m.

So yeah. Blogging. FREAKIN' AWESOME! Cool.

So how's everyone doing? Here's my blog. Not much has been going on. No girlfriend, and after most of the drama I've had to endure over the past 3 months, I couldn't give less of a damn for a woman. Warm place for my dick, not much else benefit. Still doing college, got a job now as a bagger at the local HEB. So go me, I have an income. Not much else to say, to be honest.

Actually, there's quite a bit to say. I could bore you all with the sheer volumes the drama I've been handling right about now, but I'll TL;DR it - People are fucking morons, and will cling to whatever stupid amounts of bliss they can get a hold of. I fucked over whatever chance I had with my previous ex (even longer story behind that), but I showed her the fact that she fucked up, and she has to understand. Yeah, it's pretty boring to be honest.

Classes are going… Well. Sort of. It's not terrible, but it's not too good either. I need to learn how to study.

I'm considering picking up gamemaker again for this interesting project I dreamt up the other night, I'm just waiting for a certain someone to get his engine finished, so I can pick it up and go from that, rather than constructing my own engine and spend forever and a half getting it just right, before I even start the game. Should be an interesting project though.

That's all I really have to say for now. Digging the new layout quite a bit. Good to see the place is still alive.


EDIT : I figure since I still have a metric ton of old projects with quite a bit of work in all of them, I'm thinking I should release some engines of some sort. Maybe 64quest. Definately the engine to my rpg. Along with that remake of my first game ever, as well. I got a lot of stuff I could release for ya'll, maybe help some folks. Would that be cool?


NeutralReiddHotel 14 years, 8 months ago

People are fucking morons, and will cling to whatever stupid amounts of bliss they can get a hold of. I fucked over whatever chance I had with my previous ex (even longer story behind that), but I showed her the fact that she fucked up, and she has to understand. Yeah, it's pretty boring to be honest.
Surprisingly I've gone through the same thing. lol drama.

Good luck with coming back to game making, who's engine are you waiting for exactly?

Ferret 14 years, 8 months ago

Drama sucks, women are full of drama, women suck.

Weren't you going into the military?

Avenger 14 years, 8 months ago


Money = root of all evil

Woman = time * money

time = money

Woman = money * money

Woman = money^2

square root of woman = money

Woman is the root of evil.

Obvious joke, don't take it seriously.

V 14 years, 8 months ago

@Dabridge Thanks. I'm waiting on Puri for his bullet hell engine.

@Ferret Oh, I never did update ya'll on what happened, did I? They denied me outright, so I had to get a hold of a job and just work through the hard times, and I'm here today.

@Avenger Yup, heard that one quite a few times. The only exception was this one girl from the airforce where the only price I had to pay was for the condoms. And that was occasionally. :3