the razor times:vanhelsing

Posted by V on June 12, 2006, 10:53 a.m.

so i got back from florida, and the vacation… completly stunk, no offense. sure we got to go to florida and hang out the for a week, but good god the timeshare company really wants to kill me for some reason. first thing we get there i get into the beach and by the time i realise that there are massive rocks that are like kitchen knives at the bottom some feet away from the sandbar, i get the living #@%# cut out of my right foot, so that was painful. ten minutes later, somebody from the timeshare company decides to FINALLY put up a sign saying "sharp rocks, look out!" very annoying. the internet was all screwy there even though it said perfect internet fast and safe, even though it would only let me onto the front page here! UBER SUX. but i'm finally home, no problems there, so i'm thanking jesus and whoever the hell is up there, for getting me out of that hell hole after being stuck in it for a week. at least i have my computer with internet back! YAY! it's getting closer to july 4th for me, which i'm hoping i score bigtime there with my GF. of course, i'm not talking sex. I'M FLIPPING 14!!! but yeah, things are going to get better with time and stuff. i also have summer school (at least i THINK i have summer school) after july 4th, so nothing too big there, only just sitting around a dump even longer. i want to kill the freak that made summer school or homework, because homework is the only reason i fail, otherwise, i'd be making straight A's. onto another topic. i'm going to try and give a weekly report on what's been happening in my world and other things like game design progress and some others.

firegleam blade: 40% - i'm currently working on the emerald passage, which is the second main dungeoun of five (including kanalet's warped castle) so i'm getting there on firegleam blade. and seeing how i'm finally back from vacation, the game progress should continue smoothly, but a little rocky in some places sometimes, considering how it's summer and things are going to randomly happen for me. i'm thinking about changing my avatar to fit the new RPG thing. i've also heard everyone ranting about the RPG. if you guys don't like it, good for you, but please, don't post completly pointless blogs about it! besides, they're working on it, and i think it's pretty cool. and i also have a very suprising idea about designing a game once firegleam blade is complete, what it will be, i'm not telling! but i WILL give a hint. and it'll have to do with my RPG engine! of course not exactly like it, but more developed. i'll think about creating a storyline for it and releasing it sometime, but for now, you guys have something to look foward to!

anyways, i'm getting hungry, so i'm getting out for now. look for blogs called the razor times so that way you're caught up to date with stuff! anyways, cya!


Aura_of_End 18 years, 8 months ago

How could being at the beach with a pool as well suck just because of no internet? Jeez, you have no imagination.