dude... what was the wierdest dream you have had?

Posted by V on July 16, 2006, 10:32 p.m.

the wierdest dream i have ever had in my entire life would have to be this one.

i dreamt i went into this one hospital place because dylan was having surgery right? well it turns out that i end up in the basement somehow and people are LIVING down there because once you go in, you can never go out, right? so the only way out was a extremely powerful explosive that would obliterate everything down in that basement, so the people down there survived, but someone was actually making a bomb secretly, so while i was wandering around, i found this kid that got lost and seperated from his mom, but when i try to help him, he was shot… and looked like dylan… so then after that, some guy came out from the shadows with a bomb in one hand and a detonator in another, right? he was laughing like an insane guy and pressed the detonator, the bomb went off, but everything started to reqind because i wanted it to, this is where it get's really wierd though, because i reqind back to before the kid is shot, i save the kid, i kill the guy with my bare hands somehow, but then the kid turns into a scarecrow, and the bomb becomes a rubber ball. so i went back, and everyone dissapeared except for one kid that was there. from the back it looked like dylan, but when the kid turned around, it morphed into a zombie like monster! i ran for the exit, which was open now, and outran the zombie thing, but when i was outside, everything was destroyed, an entire city turned into volcanic ash stuff, and when i stepped foward, a army of zombies came out from the ashes, and right when i was grabbed by them, they didn't kill me, but they brought me somewhere to where a ootball stadium was, which was still standing. i was chained up and everything and then some wierd guy that looked like he was the head of the zombies said something wierd, something like symbollica orathos and all the zombies yelled, without even moving their mouths "DON'T TOUCH!" and right when they yelled that, i woke up. one freaky ass dream… yeah. that's what it was like, but if you actually saw what i saw in that dream, you would be scared beyond all hell…


hobomonkeyc 18 years, 7 months ago

rofl weird…

ask TG about the kevin/beans dream….

its a classic

V 18 years, 7 months ago

kevin/beans dream? lol, i'll be sure to ask about it.

-- 18 years, 7 months ago

Heh… i had a dream where i went rambo on the world with a slew of telekinetic powers… just because i wanted to :)

explosions everywhere… lightning usable from my fingertips, it was one kickass dream. I wish i had more control over them though… it would make one killer videogame…

Cesar 18 years, 7 months ago

i dreamed of static once.

oh, and i get deja vu effects extremely frequently…

melee-master 18 years, 7 months ago

I wish I could control my own dreams. That'd be so damn sweet.

poultry 18 years, 7 months ago

I dreamed about melee :D


RetroVortex 18 years, 7 months ago

I control my dreams most of the time, but sometimes I get random dreams, like one where I was a bandit and I stole trai ns and killed people, (that was a fun dream), then I had one where I was invincibleand everyone was turning into random monsters and I had to kill them. Most of the time my dreams are ideas I create, and what could possibly happen if I completed them…

Weird huh?