yes, it is finally the unveiling of… *drum roll* THE 64QUEST DEMO! it took me forever to code most of the stuff, just so i could get it to look right, so that was a pain in the $%^ but this is the output! it's short, but sweet. it pretty much defines what i've put in there so far, and it's looking good, so check it out <a href="">here</a>
in other news, my brother aura_of_end is beggining to get so annoying i want to CHOKE him. and that's all i know right now, i haven't looked around 64digits in awhile i've been playing nothing but maplestory and working on 64quest, so yeah. lemme know if anything's up!
meh… i need some sort of filler, this blog is so short.
I have an idea: blame n00bs for something!
yes, i know blame everything on the noobs, but can someone actually try it? plz?
Alright, played through it.
Not bad, really, but, a few things I noticed:1) Sentences begin with capital letters. Dialog is supposed to have proper grammar, so don't get all pissy when I say that.2) The sounds are kinda bad. The dialog box sound is especially ear-splitting.3) Work on the dude's walking animation a bit. It looks like he's skating, not walking.4) Some of the magics didn't seem to work…5) Maybe you should spread out the eXtreme eXplanation a bit more…?6) Was it just me, or was that explosion at the end vaguely framilliar? =)<_< meh. so i got the explosion from cave story, i was out of ideas and didn't want to sprite anything, so yeah.
as for all the typos and capitalization errors, that's a seriously bad habit of mine not capitalizing, so i'm not angry about it. i'll fix those. and i know what you mean how some of the magic didn't work, i'm keeping the antidote icon there so i can use it in the future. and the sounds i know, are pretty bad. i wasn't planning on making it sound really fancy for a demo so i used the sounds i usually keep. and yeah, i know the dialogue sound can get anoyying, i'm trying to find a replacement sound for it. other than that, thanks for the suggestions jake!It was pretty cool…
I liked the main character, he was well sprited, but I don't like the portrait, too pinky purple… gaah. I liked the engine, it as smooth, but you get stuck in the symbol blocks so you'll have to correct it, also the green block things ruined the good graphics, but apart from that it's good!! keep at it!!mmm. i heard someone saying "don't use pillow graphics in a pixel game" but i'm starting to think twice, with that remark. i'll see to it. and the portrait… mmm, i'll rework so it looks the way it should so it matches the graphics in the game. the key blocks, i know that you can get stuck in them, i had to make them not solid for some reasons. made some of the spells go wonky when they hit the blocks.