CAVE STORY-one awesome game you should check out! + walkthrough

Posted by V on July 19, 2006, 12:27 p.m.

[warning=This is one helluva huge blog!]Some people have ventured into this vast forest of letters and have never returned. Hope you have better luck.[/warning]

ok, some of you might remember this blog aura made.

Cave Story players, read this!

July 13, 2006

If you don't know how to get to the super secret ending, READ THIS:

First off, don't take the machine gun from Curly. Keep your Polar Star until you get back to the Mimiga village and go up to the starting cave. Go to the Gunsmith. He will be awake. Talk to him and he will start blabbing about cra, and then h will take your Polar Star, and turn it into the Spur. It's a laser, that you charge up by holding down X.

Things that need to change start when you get to the Labrynth. When you get to the Clinic, Curly will be inside. The Physician will ask you to get some medicine from the Old Clinic. Go to the Old Clinic, get the medicine, but DO NOT GIVE IT TO THE PHYSICIAN!!! When you move on, you will see Dr. Booster fall from the sky. DO NOT TALK TO HIM UNLESS YOU STILL HAVE THE CURE ALL!!! Move onto the core, and fight it. When you get out of the Labrynth, you should find Curly in hte Mimiga Village. She will have had amnesia. You will have to go find the purple mushroom in the graveyard. It's in theroom you couldn't reach when you first went there. You should end up meeting Booster later on after you get to the Mimiga village. Go to the Egg Corridor like it said on the screen in Arthurs house. When you meet up with Kazuma, Say no to his offer, otherwise you'll get the crappy ending without credits.

when you go out to the outer wall, there should be a little house below where you come out at first. go in and talk to the taller tiny person, and she will say her husband is missing. He will be in the Graveyard. If you find him, he will tell you to take him back. Take him back and then talk to him. He will offer his gun for your blade. Take the gun. Just one thing about the gun, don't level it up. It gets weaker if you level it up. Do everything in the Plantation then, and then fight Misery, the Docter, and the Undead Core. You will get a leather strap from beating them all. Then the place will start to crumble. Go back to where the shack is and go inside if the door is open, which it should. Save, or not, and go down the hole and get through all of the obstacles until you find the giant crusher thingy, then MAKE SURE YOU HAVE FULL MISSLES!!! They are very useful, because if you rapily fire missles at him first thing, you wont regret it. When it runs out of HP, it will fall. Get out of the way or you will die. Follow it doen afterwards. You will be in the Corridor? area that you could get into from the plantation, only you will be able to go down into the door below. First, go into the statue room and shoot them all to reveal you (Quote), Curly, Sue, and King. Then go down into the door below. You will meet the final boss.
Defeat him, and the island will stop falling. You will have beaten the game, but, you will start hearing voices about pain and such. The walls will begin to come together. This is something that came to me as a shock though. Balrog, jumps in and saves you. AND! He's flying. Lol. Then the credits will roll, and crap will happen. The end. I'm not sure about the guy that it says on the credits 'Only true heroes will face:' and it shows a really red guy… Yeah. The end.

This took me FOREVER to type up, so yeah. Give me some credt if you use this and it works for you.

Also give credit to Vanhelsing for partial help.

just to let you know, this walkthrough is FSCKED up by quite a bit, so lemme totally change that around for you guys. if you guys want to download cavestory, the download will be avaliable below past the walkthrough for MY version of teh super secret ending.


alright, we pretty much start right when you first meet curly, another robot from the surface. simply fight her. defeat. be kind, but do NOT accept the machine gun from her! *skip ahead to labryinth* alright, you'll find curly with a broken leg of some sort… even though she's a robot. odd, huh? anyways, take the key from the physician and go to the run down pharmacy (top left) once you exit the new pharmacy. be ready for battle when you get the cureall. kill pooh black and move on, DON'T head back to cure curly! she will join up with you again! (this part has not actually been tested, so save before this so if i'm wrong.) keep to the right. battle monsterX. go through the small corridor path and you'll see professor booster fall out from the top. talk to him. if i'm right, if you have the cure all, booster should live and activate the portal to the labryinth. continue on to the rock chamber, fight balrog and get him to help you. go through labryinth M. IF BOOSTER DID NOT LIVE, DO NOT SAVE AFTER THIS POINT! keep going to the right, save if professor booster survives, and head into the core. curly should be there, if i'm lucky enough to be right about this. i'll confirm it when i get to that point with my new game on cave story. go on in and talk to the creepy looking robot on the top platform. once it's finished, the core will attack you. kill it, and let yourself drown for the moment. you'll end up with curly's air tank. don't leave the area just yet, you should see something shine in some of the rubble, that should be the tow rope. grab it and use it with curly and get out. the grate to that other area should be open now. save, and go through the grate. now from this point i'm positive about what i'm saying. go through the waterway with curly, after killing a bunch of jellies, there should be a small shed and a waterway continuing downwards. this part is very difficult, because once you get out of that room, you have to jump and try to get into the shed to your right. if you end up back in the water and continue on, there should be a message saying "her life functions have ceased…". that means you screwed up. reload the game if you messed up. if you did, however, manage to get into the shed, look at the computer and bookcases in there and you should learn how to drain water from a robot. use the techniques on curly and she should be back to normal. talk to her several times until she's asleep again, then use the tow rope again. you won't have to worry about curly dying anymore because she will be safe in the bubble that protects you. kill ironhead. all the mimigas should be gone from the village now, go to arthurs house and professor booster should come through the portal. he will give you the jetpack 2.0, which will become increasingly handy for hell. head back outside if you did not trade the fireball and polar star for the snake, and go upwards to where you couldn't reach before. you should be back in the first cave. if you really want the spur, go back down to the gunsmith's house and talk to him. you will then earn the spur. outside there will be more enemies than usual for you to test out your shiny new weapon that will be very powerful. head back to mimiga village and go to the egg corridor? and go straight through. in the egg room, the egg should be hatched now. talk to the computer and kazuma will appear. he will ask if you want to escape with him. if you saved before this, and you want to see the first ending, then say yes. otherwise, say no and head outside the door. you should be on the side of the island now. before going upwards, go down into the small passage right below where you come out, there should be a room full of little people inside. talk to the woman figure (the one in the green sweater) and she'll ask if you've seen her husband. don't worry about him for now, but head back outside and move straight up for now. there's a hidden area to the left about midway. it's indicated with a block with a clock symbol on it. press down at the far left of that block and you should be n a room called the clo0ck room. in the chest, it won't open unless you have saved curly. inside you should find a timer, which will time you on how fast you get through hell. i've seen jakeX try it fast, but he just got toasted fast. =D anyways, head further up until you reach a door. head in and talk to itoh, which was turned into a mimiga by misery. continue on into the plantation. head down to the bottom right corner and you should find curly with no memory. talk to the guy beside her several times to figure out what happened. after that, find the rest area to the middle-right and talk to the fishing mimiga. he should head out to go fish. once he does, go down to the resavoir and head to the left. you should find him, talk to him, and retrieve the key inside the bucket. go to the room to the left and activate the teleporter. the earth golem should stop you and you'll be in jail cell #1. talk to the fat mimiga twice and read sue's letter. the path out should be open and head back out. the teleporter should be ungaurded now, so take it back to the mimiga village. go to the graveyard and kill all the mushrooms. on the floor, you should be able to see a small man wandering around there. pick him up, don't take him home yet. head to the top and there should be a door able to be reached with the jetpack. go up and you'll find a purple mushroom. get the mushroom badge. (idk about this part, i never got past it.) shoot it several times or try out something to get the shroom in your inventory. go back to the plantation, and go back down the side of the island and deliver the little man back to his home. you won't regret doing this, because if you exchange your sword with him, you'll earn a very powerful weapon. be careful though, it will become increasingly weaker as it levels up, and it takes 1 exp to level it up, so be sure not to level it up! head back to curly and give her the mushroom. she should start remembering everything now. head out and do all the little questing. if you have done everything right, after you defeat the (not so final) final boss, the shed on the balcony should now be open, and congradulations! you can now earn the secret ending! ONE WORD OF WARNING. hell is extremely difficult, i would only recommend it if A: you've beaten the game once or twice and have started over, or B: keep retrying hell until you get the hang of it. B is frustrating though. happy playing!

oh yeah, this will include the translated version of cave story, so that's a goody! that, and post any questions about cave story in this blog. jakeX and twisterghost and some other people here have played it, so chat to them about it as well if you need some help!

DOWNLOAD <a href="">HERE</a>


V 18 years, 7 months ago

phew. i was really bored to have typed this whole thing up!

RetroVortex 18 years, 7 months ago

wow thats a long blog…

I think I'll try this game when I get time..

sounds good…

IRRELEVANT:(btw I put the demo in my blog..)

V 18 years, 7 months ago

shweet. =D


THIS IS A WARNING! thanks whoever put that there. =P


squeakyreaper 18 years, 7 months ago

Yeah! I am all mighty and are powerful!

RetroVortex 18 years, 7 months ago

Thanks for you're help vanhelsing..

I've used you're advice

squeakyreaper 18 years, 7 months ago

In the game I mean. Thanks. Well…. yeah.