GOD BLESS GOOGLE! new banner.
[warning=WARNING, INCOMING RANT]if you do not like rants and/or be a noob about them, then hit the back button. now.[/warning][rant]yeah, been awhile since i have ranted, but i saw a blog that just got me a little irritated. if you're sick and you're throwing up, but want to stay at school and suffer because it makes you look "tough", then you have some problems to work out. first of all, that just exploits al kinds of weaknesses to your enemies, like if you want to look cool or tough, then you'll do something that is claimed to be "cool", but then it would most likely just be a trap to get you into trouble or wreck your life. don't ask stupid questions about why i know this, i'm a perfectly good example of a victim since the 6th grade. but the stakes get higher to look cool or tough in highschool, because drugs start becoming one of the players in life, and if you aren't careful, you'll end up doing them. this'll most likely start because you have some sort of friend or "friend because ur cool" ask you if you want to smoke something, and he'll get others to intimidate you to start doing them, like "if you aren't going to do them, i guess i'm not going to be your friend anymore." or more physical threats "smoke this or i swear to god i will get some guy to jump your @55 because you aren't cool anymore". you'll see alot of this happening around you, so if it makes you look like a wimp, i would HIGHLY suggest keep yourself looking like a wimp. it's not the most brilliant thing to do because you might lose some friends, but you sure as hell won't lose your life.second, most people want to look tough or cool, so they can push around other people. this can get pretty bad, because bad things will begin to come to mind, like "hey, if i can push around these idiots, maybe i'm intimidating enough to rob a store." believe me, i've experienced that too. and eventually, you DO begin to steal because you feel so empowered in yourself. the first time you steal, you'll most likely think "i shouldn't even be doing this, maybe i should stop…" somebody smart would listen and stop right there, but sadly a huge majority start going bigtime. and, as most of the people do, they eventually get caught, and depending on the magnitude of their crimes, they'll be stuffed into juvinile hall or jail. luckily i was only 11 when i started stealing, but eventually got caught and i sure as hell stopped stealing, because it is NOT fun having to return every single stolen item and confess, and then afterward be grounded for half a year. but that's another reason for why it's really best to act a wimp and simply blend in so you don't get in trouble.the lowdown here, is the fact that sometimes, being a wimp is one of the best choices you could have, because you'll meet people that don't make you do stuff just to get kicks out of you, but they will actually be your friend because most likely, that other wimp won't have any friends. it's a good thing to be a wimp, things aren't complicated, and you don't have a problem socially, because you'll find an awful lot of REAL friends as a wimp, rather than people that claim to be your friend just because you're strong or popular. believe me, i've been alot more succesful being a wimp, because i now have a girlfriend that loves me, some real friends that like doing the stuff i do, and so on and so forth. best of all, i developed a way to eliminate those freaks that would make fun of you. if someone calls you a wimp, just say hell yes, i'm a wimp, don't forget it or something like that. it actually works, because people that mess with others will figure out that you don't care if you're made fun of, and they'll stop because you give them no joy when made fun of, so take my advice- sometimes the wimpiest path is the best. unless it's a video game or MMO. lol. anyways, yup.[/rant]so, i have a very nice and shiny columnsX badge, because of my mass PWNage in puzzle games like that, so that's nice, so i have 9 badges now. =Di haven't been working on 64quest in awhile, i've lost my edge in gamemaker because of pure lack of ideas, so there most likely will be no progress whatsoever on 64quest until the first of september, then i might trn up with some ideas. one month and 6 days to my birthday. yay. darksirus is actually going to sell luminite. YOU BETTER FINISH IT!!!since i have no ideas for 64quest at all anymore, i've just decided to begin working on a arcade game. if you've ever played hold off red, it'll be a bit similar.anyways, that's all for now, so keep checking back! oh, and if you want to play the most recent 64 quest demo, i've released a new one two blogs back. if you click my user page, it should be located at the bottom, so yeah.~vanhelsing~P.S. STILL PWNING IN COLUMNSX!
lol… I don't care about looking cool in high school. I'm a nerd.
Biggest rant I've ever seen…
Anyway, that ColumnsX score is INSANE!Damn, you stole my first position…
…I STILL CLAIM THIS BLOG AS MY OWN!MUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHA!X2hehehe, i'm pretty sure it is insane. i killed off the CPU fast so i could concentrate on the game. and nmo, iz my blog foo. *takes out shotgun and blasts dabridge255 away* MY BLOG *infinity
Awesome rant vanhelsing.
thanks. =D
*cough* I… read… the whole… th-thing. *cough*
Nice rant.Nice score.I agree DSG better finish Luminite. >_<If you wan't help with ideas, PM me.I already played the demo.Rabid Mutant Chipmunks