lol, i managed to find that church sign generator, and good god christians would shoot me by now.
[warning= ]removed by vanhelsing for reasons that should be obvious- angry christian mob.[/warning]XD i came up with that one firstIN OTHER NEWS! i've gotten back into gunbound. how…. predictible. that, and i've also thought of trying runescape AGAIN, but this time i'm jst going to kill someone for their armor and start again, this time without going near the wildy.the idea of nextgen gamemaker games is starting to pop up… how would this be? oh well, i guess i'll figure out soon enough.i STILL pwn columnsX. jakeX is all like "ZOMG CRAZY SCORE!!!1!!!!one", and i have made a tribute to 64digits. =Dif you don't play runescape and you have a decent account that you don't play anymore, i'll make good use of it!~vanhelsing~P.S. here's a question for everybody- if you had one wish, OTHER THAN WISHING FOR MORE WISHES, what would you wish for?
I'd wish for loadza money [:P]
I'd wish to put a buncha Hillbilly Christians in your room when you're looking at that pic and making some more. ;)
Christians + Pichforks = Teh PWNEDGEo_O yeahhh… maybe i should tone it down.
I not afraid, Christians will like me for this one:
My wish is that i had the correct change for ANYTHING in my pocket
OMG LMAO! I spelling Jesus wrong! *wishing christians will overlook it*
wow so many people now uses the gen to make signs…
My wish would be for the ability to alter reality in any way I wished by just thinking it.
If, you know, I didn't already HAVE that ability,i hate runescape. its boring. i tried it once… tutorial took fricken forever… but i jst thought if i did the tutorial the game would be interesting….. no. it just sucks.
One of my wishes is that the guy from neonut's avatar would chase people around the mall for a day or so.