fun with AIM RPG

Posted by V on July 23, 2006, 10 p.m.

lol, i just randomly sent this to aura_of_end and this is what happens!



razormage123: RANDOM BATTLE! you encounter a wild BOING. what do you do?

mariobros422: …

mariobros422: Take aff all my clothes and sing "I'm too sexy"

razormage123: wild BOING takes 9999999 damage! wild BOING is defeated! you gain 1 exp. you gain 10000000000 gil. you earn the MOO summon!

mariobros422: Lol

razormage123: fun with AIM RPG

razormage123: =D

mariobros422: lol

razormage123: you tell me one

mariobros422: AIM RPG?

mariobros422: Lol

razormage123: i made it up

mariobros422: You are walking through the woods naked. You see a tree with a hole the size of your wang. What do you do?

razormage123: look around to make sure nobody is watching

mariobros422: then?

razormage123: cut down the tree and cut out the part with the hole and put it on my wang like a ring

mariobros422: lol

mariobros422: Ding!

mariobros422: A river appears with a bridge across it leading to a sexy nekkid lady

mariobros422: What do you do now?

razormage123: take pictures of her, sell on the internet then ignore her

mariobros422: …

mariobros422: YOU FRIKEN LOSE, NOOB

mariobros422: lol

razormage123: lol.

razormage123: i wasnt finished

razormage123: then walks to GF's house with supersized wang and makes love. DA END

mariobros422: lol

mariobros422: now give me one

razormage123: you encounter a rabid butt lord. he shits to see. what do you do?

1. give it laxitives

2. give it stuff that would make it constipated

3. ROFL yourself to death

mariobros422: 2 and 3

mariobros422: but to death in a

mariobros422: figure of speach

razormage123: you defeat butt lord! you kill yourself from laughter! GAME OVER

mariobros422: naw

mariobros422: I said

mariobros422: ROLF

mariobros422: to death

mariobros422: as

mariobros422: a

mariobros422: figure

mariobros422: of

mariobros422: speach

razormage123: T_T if it was a figure of speach, it would say that on option 3.


mariobros422: …

mariobros422: kk

mariobros422: now then

mariobros422: You are walking through the park.

mariobros422: You see an old lady

mariobros422: you have a massive sword the sive of Sephiroths. What do you do when the old lady is standing up and not looking?

mariobros422: size**

razormage123: nothing. walk away and do not look at her hiney

mariobros422: …

mariobros422: I was thinking you were gonna

razormage123: you CAN give me a list of options

mariobros422: use your sword to knock her down

mariobros422: and

mariobros422: then

mariobros422: run like hell and chop anyone who looks at you because of that

razormage123: T_T well next time, make selection options so that i do one of those options

mariobros422: …ok

razormage123: u can retry now if u want

mariobros422: naw

mariobros422: gimme one

razormage123: you're wandering around with your party. one team mate calls you tiny. what do you do?

razormage123: I would expel the basterd then PK him

mariobros422: Nah

mariobros422: I would chop his legs off, feed them to him without his knowing then expel and PK.

razormage123: lol

mariobros422: g2g to bed

mariobros422: lol

razormage123: it turns out a cop was watching. the police ask you if you killed him.

mariobros422: dammit

mariobros422: I say

razormage123: what do you do? make it quick

mariobros422: "… YOU SAW NOTHING!!!" then chop their heads off and RUN LIKE FREAKING HELL

razormage123: lol

mariobros422: nite

razormage123: g'night

mariobros422 signed off at 10:50:07 PM.

yes, i believe i can make this very popular among my friends. =D try it sometime!

btw, aura_of_end DOES use mariobros422… it's because mariobros42 was taken.


DesertFox 18 years, 7 months ago

Sounds like Dungeons and Dragons.

You were attacked by a Wild ROFL - what do you do?

Kaz 18 years, 7 months ago

razormage123: you encounter a rabid butt lord. he shits to see. what do you do?

Does someone go to VG Cats?

<a href=''>Comic</a>

DesertFox 18 years, 7 months ago

Ah… Good ol' VGCats.

Misconstruct 18 years, 7 months ago

Ha! That's insane!

Rez 18 years, 7 months ago


Kenon 18 years, 7 months ago

I just hosted one on MSN of Digits and dragons!

V 18 years, 7 months ago

lol. yup, fun stuff, and yes, i read vgcats. i just remembered tat for a moment so i put that in. of course, he ROFL'd to death.

squeakyreaper 18 years, 7 months ago

Nice. One blog a day is coming along!

There should be a MSN RPG that they host. That'd be fun. I think.


I cast FTW on it! It flips over, and dies. FTW will always be awesome, because it is kcuf eht tahw!

Aura_of_End 18 years, 7 months ago
