64quest- attackof the GMC demo!

Posted by V on Aug. 2, 2006, 4:41 a.m.

yea, if you looked at my blog 2 blogs ago, then you would know what this is. =P This is a prequal to 64quest, you don't know how to cast magic at all and you have to save the world from the GMC! this would have come eventually, but yeah. it seems a bit like super mario 3, but bear with me on this one, i have NO ideas whatsoever for 64quest, so i'm going to work on this one and get some ideas for the 1st. anyways, as the topic says, i have released a demo. this is true, though there may be some bugs or errors that i have not noticed. i know of SOME of these things though, so i will list them down here so i don't get a swarm of comments saying "i can jump as many times as i want!"

1. you can jump as many times as you want, even in midair

2. the dialogue box moves very quickly, just so it doesn't take forever for the dialogue to finish.

3. you cannot recover health, i'll add in a rest area for the game where you can use your coins to recover your health.

4. when the game starts, you cannot see the textbox. it has controls for the overworld.

5. the help boxes contain information of what i plan on putting in, casino blimps (earn items through minigames) shop blimps (buy items with your coins) (NOTE: you can only visit a blimp one time, because the blimp floats away to the next world) inns (spend your money to recover health) shoom coins (the currency, you can get them from killing monsters, like the shoom. duh.) and much more! there are only 2 levels, one as a small tutorial, two as a short level that contains what i've put in. i might make another demo when this is more developed and has more things in it, but that's all it has for now. oh, and there's only one monster, vurrently known as the "shoom". it looks like a mushroom cap, so yeah. DL!!!!

controls: overworld

arrow keys=move

space=confirm-enter level when next to vortex

controls: platform mode

left & right=move



<A href="http://64digits.com/users/vanhelsing/64quest-attack_of_the_GMC.zip">download now!</a>

please post suggestions as to what else i should add!


Zac1790 18 years, 6 months ago

To think I expected a hat and mask… and a crossbow. :P

Oh well, it's great, with jump through platforms, and indeterminable stat boxes. That last one is pretty professional.