AOTGMC DEMO!!!! the moment you've been waiting for!

Posted by V on Aug. 10, 2006, 5:34 p.m.

yes, it turns out that i have finished the cutscenes sooner than i expected, they will look a bit crappy, but they will suffice for now, but i have finally brought you guys what you've been waiting for, a demo of 64 quest -AOTGMC!! =D it won't have any sound, so don't expect any when you start playing! the controls will be explained in game, but just in case, since most of you will not want to read a montain of text-

left and right- move around

alt- jump

spacebar- confirm - enter level

Z- use weapon (the sword is only avaliable for now, so do not buy the fire or water sword please, unless you want some sort of error or odd bug.) the sword has a recharge rate after each time you attack, so when the sword dissapears, you do not have to create another sword!

please tell me anything odd that might happen, like and problems, error messages of doom, anything of that sort, please tell me!

also comment on the movement please, answer these questions for me if you can so that i can further improve it to become the best platformer!

1. is the movement too slippery, or just fine?

2. at some times, do you think you jump too low? (you can jump higher while running at full speed or just plain moving)

3. were the graphics nice? what needed some improving?

4. any other suggestions, comments, or complaints?

that's pretty much it for that, the download can be found right here! please enjoy it!

<a href="">download!</a>

screenshots from the past!

<a href="">this is what it will basically look like.</a>

<a href="">and this is the shmexy looking overworld.</a>

<a href="">ok, who the hell gave those turtles spikes in their shells? leonardo, i'm looking at you. >_> yes, you.</a>

<a href="">kenon will kill me for zombifieng spike. even though i was never the one to zombify him. blame the GMC for it, they're the one's who did it!</a>

<a href="">i took a unique look for the forest. it doesn't look all to beautiful, but is original, and i'm going for originality here.</a>

<a href="">OMG! a peek at what the GMC world will look like! o_O very gloomy indeed. those slime-like things are called blobombs. at this point, it should be explanatory as to what it is they hurl at you.</a>

<a href="">what would a dungeoun be without some lava and fireballs?</a>

<a href="">this will be the first mini boss you will face in the game, and will be a boss you face alot, the rhinoc.</a>

<a href="">on a scale of 1 to 10, tell me who pissed you think this rhinoc will be when i wake it up!</a>

sorry if they look crappy. stupid photobucket. <_<

i hope you enjoyed those screnies, please leave comments about the look of everything! =D

anyways, i talked to my ex-GF, and she said she was sure that she just wanted to be friends, and i'm ok with that. it's probably going to be some time until i find another though… it took me 3 years just to find someone that like me and was a girl! o_O i might have some issues with that… blarg. oh well, easy come, easy go, nothing's ever easy in life when it's set to hardcore hard mode ALL THE TIME! <_<

my friend's over to cheer me up with video games, what an anti drug they are!



so's GML. =) anyways, i also tested it again, to see exactly how hard takagi really is, to be honest, it's a bit of a pain in the ass, considering how every time he poofed, it was right on me or tossed a bomb at my exact position. <_< i'm suprised i beat him with one HP left.

yeah, so that's all for now! play, enjoy, and keep lookin on the brighter side of the meadow!

~vanhelsing~ (jesus, what the hell was that? "look on the brighter side of the meadow?" jeeze, that orange flavored chickin and fortune cookies must be turnin me into confutious! (i dunno how to spell that name. =( ))


NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 6 months ago

(this is how parantesis work [parentesis inside parentesis are square for anti-confusion] ok?)

Nah, jk. I just used that to not get confused myself. Anyways, good game, which I could play it.

V 18 years, 6 months ago

which? you mean "wish?"

poultry 18 years, 6 months ago

(why (should) we (do that huh (whaever >_> (asdfasdf) im bored :( ))?)

Rez 18 years, 6 months ago

That game is awesome. =)

Takagi 18 years, 6 months ago

I think the movement's a bit slippery for my tastes.

I liked the overworld.

I think that there's a lot of information on one help box. Make it concise and sweet.

V 18 years, 6 months ago

i know the movement's a bit slippery, it's just difficult to get it to match the physics in SMB 3, i'm glad that you thought the overworld was good, and yes, i figured all the information boxes have too much in them in the first area and such, so i'll fix that up.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 6 months ago

Yeah, typing fast. I'll fix up your avatar so it loops and I'll PM it to you.

*vanhelsing says OK*

Good, hold up.