64quest- episode 2

Posted by V on Sept. 5, 2006, 5:56 p.m.

alright, the story will be further down, but as for MY life, here's my stuff below.

My life is doing nicely right now, ESPECIALLY

because while i was diggin up my C drive, I

found an ancient turret defense GM6 I ditched a long time ago, i was still doing D&D on game maker, and to my suprise, it had graphics for turrets, Tiles for the road, everything i needed to make a turret defense clone, and all i need was some coding expertise, which i had when i found it, so i worked out some bugs that i left there in the past and now it's working amazingly well! i'm probably going to finish it even, it's so simple now. As wierd Al said in his song "albuqurque", "the world is my burrito!" So expect a small turret defense engine to be released soon so you all can create those awesome hard-to-find games yourself as well. =D

as for the story, here is part 2 of 64quest season 1!

*Dawn, the sun is on the horizon, shining brilliantly like a large piece of goo-AUGH!………. *ahem* the previous narrorator was sacked due to sounding like a complete pansy.*

Van:Goody, off on an adventure to save the place i love. how cliche'd can this get?

Firebird:Doesn't really matter at this point. i wonder if we get anything when we're through wityh this though.

Rez:Alright, i believe everyone is here now. everyone ready to go out? be warned, this quest sure as hell is not going to be for the faint of heart, and will be very, very epic, with it's extensive walking and questing and such.

Ludamad:Can it Rez. *shoots ciribot plushy at Rez* Anyways, i'm pretty sure you are all eager to get your very shmexy equipment, am I right?

All:No shit.

Luda:Right. now then, everyone get's this wooden sword, except for you van. since your strength stats suck so much, you'll be forced to use this ciribot launcher until you can learn how to use magic.

Vanhelsing:Do the plushies explode on impact? *plushy in Rez's mouth explodes, and Rez dashes around with is mouth on fire* Shweeeeet.

Ludamad: right then. any other words for them, Jake?

JakeX:Just one. be sure that when faced with a horde of noobs, Do not just charge them. noobs have recently gotten smarter and have become much more powerful in numbers. that, and if you are ever faced with death, consider how good your life has been to you. If your life sucked, then at least be happy that it will all end very soon. =D Now get the hell outta here.

Random guy:Well THAT'S REAAAL kind..

*van tests out his ciriplush launcher on random guy. he a'splode. everyone walks out towards the rising sun and begins their journey of epicness*

*on the outskirts of digitia*

Vanhelsing:GAWD, when are we going to get to the action? my feet hurt..

Melee:be glad you aren't fat like me, I wonder why the hell i have to escort you people.

Chikin:lolzors, melee iz fat.


Rez:Hey, is that a turtle?

Firebird:Looks like it.

Melee:awww, i think it's cute. lemme pet it.

Van:no wait! I think it might be- *chomp* dangerous… that looks very painful.

Melee:Jesus christ! that thing just bit my spleen out! I feel kind of woozy…

*Melee collapses due to blood loss, vanhelsing jumps on the turtles head and the turtle kills over and dies*

Vanhelsing:Lol. Videogames teach so much, especially mario! =P


yup, that's it for now. expect episode 3 tommorrow, when i have algebra 2!… GAWD, i hate that class…


V 18 years, 5 months ago

I just love this season thing. now, if it was a flash movie though… =D

foslock 18 years, 5 months ago

^ Do you have an experience with flash? *winks at vanhelsing* ^

Warlin 18 years, 5 months ago


V 18 years, 5 months ago

'fraid not, i absolutly suck at flash. =/

Dr_Eechmen 18 years, 5 months ago

I still think we should make a game for it…

V 18 years, 5 months ago

um, unless you are still kind of new here, then you obviously need to check out my blogs from the past. <_<

Dr_Eechmen 18 years, 5 months ago

I think I missed a point here… and yes, I'm a bit new to 64d… I came here to seek refuge from GMC and GMG… too corrupt =)

V 18 years, 5 months ago

ah, then scroll back a couple of blogs, you'll find out about 64quest pretty fast. a large mass of my blogs are about it.

Dr_Eechmen 18 years, 5 months ago

…lol, I'm a fool… anyway… is there anything I can do to help out with AOTGMC? I may be new here, but I'm not a GM noob… just a 64d noob :\

V 18 years, 5 months ago

lol, well, there COULD be one thing, the big thing i need help with right now is really just music, and maybe some help on level design.