breakin' my addiction

Posted by V on Sept. 21, 2006, 6:32 p.m.

Yes, you heard right. i'm no longer playing maplestory for massive long periods of time anymore, nor am i using the computer as much. i know it's insane, but i'm getting awesome grades now, i even got a 105 on my english project! and don't tell me it's a typo, because i made a 100 +5 extra credit. o_o i'm no longer me.

as for other things such as 64 quest, I've been thinking about the current 64 quest 2 storyline, and I think it's really cliche'd and not so original, and i'm a stickler for originality, so on wioth my epic story… I was in 8th period today, and it was FREEZING BEYOND ALL FRICKING HELL! I even put my arms in my shirt in my sweater. yes, it's that fu$%&ng cold in there. so anyways, when it's really cold, you want to fall asleep and u usually end up doing just that. so i fell asleep, and then I created a dream in my head, where I wake back up, but it isn't quite my school anymore - It was "the 64digits academy" and I was in magic casting class!

No, this isn't bull, i actually dremt it, so don't deny my dreams. now then, I got in that class by pure chance, so there's that. there's also the fact that suddenly, a blizzard began outside… in september, on a 100 F day!!! what's cool about this, is that you discover a secret cavern inside of the classroom, and it goes down, and down, and down…… until at some point, you're in a cave, a bit more of a labrynth, and the thing is, you have to find a way outside of the school because all of the doors have been frozen shut by magical ice. so you progress through the massive tunnels, getting keys to access more hidden areas of the school so you cn save the people trapped inside, most of them which will become a summon for you, while others give you upgraded weapons!

That's what I hhave for that now, and my school life is nothing new, and i can currently smell my socks from where i am sitting… which are underneath my desk. o_O stinkeh.

oh yeah, and i STILL have first place in my clutches!!! muahahaha, can no one defeat me? cuz i'm assuming they can't. XD

~vanhelsing~ OR ~Carson Smith~

P.S. I have possibly found a rap song i actually liked.

<a href="">linky clicky</a>


Arcalyth 18 years, 5 months ago

Interesting dream =)

thernz 18 years, 5 months ago

That's not insane that's very good. Computer sucks time. I'd only do it if I had no life. Well, I don't so…

V 18 years, 5 months ago

heh, my dream was pretty odd, but I think i'm going to use it. and as for the computer, i dunno if it actually just SUCKS time away like that… more like absorb. XD and are you saying i have no life, or is that a typo? <_<

poultry 18 years, 5 months ago

Im not your friend? *cries*

Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 5 months ago

Yeah I blogged aqbout White & Nerdy that song is beastly

Kenon 18 years, 5 months ago


smaksak 18 years, 5 months ago

i'm no longer me.

Amarin 18 years, 4 months ago

Lol White & Nerdy! =D